, assuming it stacks, this card is win and might just make
playable again. Me happy.
1. You need to play Flood - not a really good card.
2. The +3 is for
flooded creatures, so only those after the first 7.
3. Better creature, worst effect.
I don't care to lose a turn with chrysaora : I don't do 0 to do 3 later

But playing the second card, I don't do 3 to do 6 later, so I need 2 turns to balance. And with the third, I need 3 turns...
I let you calcul the time you need to balance the freeze turn whith a Dragon (or when or opponent has healing)

With a one turn freeze, this card anything but a finishing card. But you need to get Flood + at least 8 creature to be interesting, so it's not for the begining. When can you play this ?
In fact, except for some situational use of the freeze (AM, vs. Fire Shield, ?), I don't see anything to do with it