Well, it means that Ice Bolt has a balanced purpose against creatureless decks, one of the biggest reasons to not pack it before.Yeah that's true. It was always inferior to Fire Bolt, damage-wise, as a form of CC.
Do protected/untargetable weapons become targetable when frozen? If so, do they remain targetable after thawing?I don't think you can target Immaterial Weapons.
Do protected/untargetable weapons become targetable when frozen? If so, do they remain targetable after thawing?To shatter a weapon you have to first freeze it with the bolt or with a voodoo combo, and then use Shockwave. However, what you are targetting all the time is the enemy elemental, not the weapon slot.
Thanks. I just tried it out in trainer. If Essence formula is correct, and ice lance does minimum 2 damage, then you always have at least 40% chance to freeze weapon. A buff for reflective shields.Do protected/untargetable weapons become targetable when frozen? If so, do they remain targetable after thawing?To shatter a weapon you have to first freeze it with the bolt or with a voodoo combo, and then use Shockwave. However, what you are targetting all the time is the enemy elemental, not the weapon slot.
A buff for reflective shields.Which results in a nerf to all kinds of bolts and Shockwave. Conclusion: don't buff things because you may end up nerfing them in the process :P.
can voodoo's freeze PA'ed weapons?Yes, it was the only way I was able to destroy PA'd weapons with Shockwave when I was testing earlier (only slightly off topic :P).
could this be a viable counter for Obliterator?no :(
I actually have my doubts about this being able to freeze Immaterial weapons. I just tested this multiple times in trainer, with 140+ :water gathered at the end (when the freeze chance should be 100%) and I could not freeze the opponent's Morning Glory. I later tested the same against PA'd Pulvies. Again, I could not freeze them. Next I tried against unprotected Pulvies. This worked as intended. Conclusion: Ice Bolt can not freeze Immaterial/protected weapons.Just posting to say I agree with this; I couldn't get Ice Lance to freeze an immaterial weapon either.
Hmmm not really worth that much to go upped with this... save yourself 1.5k..