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Been having a lot of fun with this lately; nymph spam has been done before but I've yet to see this particular flavor.
has wonderful synergy between Dry Spell/Desiccation and freeze effects, since you can wipe out small creatures and freeze ones that are too big for Desiccation. The beauty of NT is that you only ever need to play one creature card to start rapidly accumulating damage: all your pillars double as creature cards, and Dry Spell/Desiccation double as quanta generation, so you can afford to devote a third of your deck to CC while still having extremely reliable damage and quanta output.
Most people seem to prefer Dry Spell for faster quanta generation, but you can't always win by brute forcing nymphs so I prefer the greater removal power of Desiccation. Including 2 Dry Spells gives you a little better quanta burst when you need it while still giving you a reliable chance of killing 3 HP creatures with 2 cards.
I've experimented with including 1-3 Purify to fight poison decks but it doesn't seem worthwhile at present. Over several dozen games I don't think I've had Purify come through for a win, whereas I frequently found myself with Purify in hand (or in play) staring at a losing situation that I could have salvaged if I had had any of my CC cards instead. So I choose to take an uphill battle against Deadly Poison/SoSac decks in favor of more reliably beating down more common creature decks. You can frequently shut down scorpion/chrysaora decks anyhow, so mostly you're just worried about things like Poison Dials. In a pinch a Nymph + Octopus combo can shut down pillar-light stallish decks like Dials by nymphing and freezing all their towers (also sometimes useful for starving Dim Shield/Miracle stalls), but that's a longshot that relies on you being dealt a much faster start.