hahaha hoooray living 2 more rounds, fun times
Pure RNG losses:
R1 vs

(1-3 instead of 3-1);
R4 vs

(2-3 instead of 3-1);
R6 vs

(0-3 instead of 3-0).
Smaller RNG borks:
(maybe a win, maybe not)
R2 vs

(could have been easily reversed);
R6 vs

(could have been closer or even reversed with a slightly better ppm rng).
I'm not interested in "oh, but other teams might have bad rng, too!" It is up to you
reporting it. I'm not interested in "you are not right about that matchup!".
We did our testings. Thouroughly.
Good RNGs:
R2 vs

(3-1 might be a bit too much, but contrary to popular belief it isn't a huge surprise of a win, due to Elves always having at least 2 shots before death);
R6 vs

(hard to tell exact numbers, because depends on their MG rng and our draw, when do Sundials come).
Mindgate failures:
R1 vs

R1 vs

I know the reasons. Also a mistake that I was lenient in R4 and not playing Cats against

Spoiler for Hidden:
(Also I'd like to mention that only

had more 3-0 wins until R5 than us. We are bad mindgaters, huh, MasterNoob?

Deadline failures:
Many. Most of our losses stemmed from here. I know you don't care about it, and I already talked about it a lot, but having anxiety in these situations
is the worst fucking thing in the world. And this is happening in real life, too. Doesn't matter what. Only exception is teaching, where you don't have
to face such pressures. At least I was able to pinpoint some origins of this anxiety, but I don't know how much will it help with my life.
EC failures:
War12 had the best ECs for me. I'm sure I complained there as well, lol, but they had positive/negative choices, it had a good thematics.
And good thematics matter. Last EC here simply killed us.
Thank yous:
- Thank you d2d and Team Light for letting us play our original deck in R4.
- Thank you deuce and Team Aether for determining outcome of games in question in R6.
- Thank you Naii and serp working a lot for the community.
- Thank you Linkcat for hiring a new WM.
- Thank you Rob for being the coolest all War.
- And Thank you Zyardran for all those day-long testings and trying to keep up my morale.bye Elements, and someday I will get you crucified you ugly bitch, rng.