Win rates tab:
Win Rate - Obvious
Op. Winrate - Opponent's Winrate, obvious
Op. op. winrate - Obvious
SOS (Strength of Schedule) - The relative strength of each team's opponents, considering the strength of their opponents. The exact calculation is irrelevant, but it comprises of opponents winrate (2/3 contribution) and op op winrate (1/3 contribution).
SOS ranking - An ordering based on teams' SoS
RPI (Rating Percentage Index) - Uses the SoS values, as well as the team's individual win rate to calculate a "weighted winrate", which allows it to give a more accurate representation of how a team is going. Again, exact calc is not needed, but it comprises of teams winrate (25% contr.) and SoS (75% contr.) (keep in mind SoS is split into 2/3 op and 1/3 op op therefore it can also be read as 50% op wr contr and 25% op op wr contr). It doesn't take context into account, only the raw values.
RPI Ranking - See SoS ranking
Bottom table - Each team's w/l against particular roles.
Overview tab:
Top table - Vault size
Relative position - Vault size divided by largest vault size. Just shows how strong each team is relative to the top placing team.
Bottom table - Each team's winrate against each other team. Read as (Y-axis team wins/X-axis team wins)
Hit Points tab:
Top table - Team's vault size minus knockout value (80). Shows how far a team is away from elimination
Relative position - Same as overview tab, but with hit points instead of vault sizes.
Long run lives - The amount of "lives" a team has. Assuming a winrate of 50%, each loss counts as 1 life taken away. So a 2-2 round will take 2 lives away. There are a few issues with this since 1-3 rounds exist, and 3-1 rounds exist, but you get the point.
Input tab:
You can ignore this, it's just to input the values into