G'day. While Deuce is preparing some stuff for Exquisite deck and sportsmanship nominations and stuff, I'd like to share a wee bit of my own words on how War went and how fun it's been.
This has been a blast. I didn't think I'd make it as far as I did, knowing next to nothing in terms of pvp, and Aether winning lies entirely on Deuce and Torb. These guys are legendary, and so is everyone who came to participate in this, allegedly, last War. It's been awesome seeing people take part in the sunsetting event for EtG, and the fights that occurred were nothing short of breathtaking. I'm glad that people on the forum and on discord server were able to convince me to join, cuz now I wouldn't trade this experience for anything in the world. Thank you, one and all, for participating and making this truly special.
I have no nominations of my own
I don't even know how they work tbh, but out of the stuff I do know how to make, I prepared a little something...
Spoiler for Official Uniform of the Aether Team:
Hook Swords are not obligatory, they're just what I'm obsessed with atm.
Also not actually official