In all honesty, I thought this thread is about giving feedback on current rules, with a goal of making it more competitive and enjoyable for its players. If you're having a rule set in stone, than I'm not sure why I bother.
There's no need to get all aggressive. I can assure you that I read all the feedback on this thread, and have made many changes according to that feedback.
For example someone suggested we lower the discarding amount. This was a good idea because players can save some of the most important cards. I lowered the discarding amount to 24.
Troh suggested converting cards to Pillars. Again, a great idea that helps with the Vault. In War #2 we will only discard 24 cards.
And if we go further back, the basic idea of the Vault came from Gl1tch, who suggested that cards would act as "life points".
So you suggesting that I don't listen to feedback and ideas, and don't even care about making the event more enjoyable for it's players, is simply false. I just didn't like your idea. It's nothing personal, but I just don't think introducing some kind of HP (or "territories") for each element is the best way to go here.
Like I've said a million times, most problems with the Vault during this War were caused by bad planning. This is not some theory, it's a fact. All I need to do is go to a secret section and
see it for myself. I mean if an element took 40% less Pillars in their starting Vault than they should have, are you going to blame the rules for that?
I am confident that with these new rules, all the major problems will go away. However nothing is set to stone yet, so things might still change according to new suggestions and ideas.
And an idea just struck me. In Texas Holdem, the blinds go up as the game goes on. What if we did that in war? In the beginning, you only lose 15 cards for a loss but only gain three. Every round, the ante goes up by a few cards (Round 2 = lose 18, gain 3, Round 3 = lose 21, gain 4, Round 4 = lose 24, gain 4, Round 5 = lose 27, gain 5...). Of course the exact numbers could be changed, and maybe it would be best to make you always salvage 6 cards.
Since, after-all, the later battles in a war are generally more risky, desperate, and more important.
That would be great in slowly making battles more epic, but I'm afraid that it would lead to a huge amount of confusion about the numbers. Even with a simple 30 discard / 6 salvage rule, some teams managed to totally break their Vault in two rounds.
I'll have to think about it. If there was a way of doing it without the possibility of mass confusion, then it certainly would be a possibility.
One option would of course be to use the number of the round somehow, like you lose 6 cards times the number of the round: 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36..