I have an Idea for a Territory Map that I used in one of my other card/taxctical games, I think it could work well here. Want to hear abount it?
Sure, but I'd like to keep this is as simple as possible and using a map would take it to a whole new level.
In theory we could have a big map with squares and place players there. Then they could move around the map, fighting other players, collecting resources, etc. However it would probably be best to start with this simplified version and maybe evolve it when the next War comes.
Honestly, a change to 12 favors elements with good rush deck options. If a team can build two of the exact same already established kickass rush decks, it's gonna end tragically for the others.
This is why I had the 6 card limit at first. Everyone and their uncle knows that Earth is going to build two identical Shrieker Rush decks, and I'm sure we will see the same in other elements as well. It would have been nicer to have more variation.
About 180 vs. 240.. I'm not sure which one is better. I like 240 because you can build exactly eight 30 card decks so it's kind of 2 decks for each player. Then again the number might be too big and only make the event last longer and longer.
if there are enough cards for 3 decks left, who is playing them then? how is the rotation?
Master decides the order in which players use the Vault. For example if everyone loses the first round and there are 60 cards left in the Vault, Master can decide that players C and D use those cards while others wait.
Now lets say player C loses, but player D keeps winning and salvaging until there are 30+ cards in the Vault. In this situation either player A or B will use the Vault. Player C cannot use the Vault before both players A and B have used it.
Why not compromise with 9 cards?
Or keep it at 12 but then make a rule where team members can't have more than 75% (or whatever % you want) of their decks be the same.
I thought about 9 too. That's certainly one option. Perhaps we should have a poll on this.
Interesting, but as previously mentioned, this WILL take forever to finish. I'm would bet at least months. If each team has 180 cards, that team would need to lose 151 cards to be knocked out. With three cards being lost per battle, that would take 13 rounds to be knocked out assuming they lost every battle. Add two rounds for every battle won for that team. When it comes down to a group of evenly matched teams who win and lose more or less evenly, this could drag out for a very long time.
What if the losing team had to drop X cards of their choice permanently?
If you lose a battle, you will lose ALL of those cards. Winning player will salvage 6 cards from your deck, and others are permanently removed from the game.
EDIT: I set up a poll. Go vote.