I don't see how multiple clocks is simpler than one clock
It's simpler because both Masters and candidates know where they stand.
It's simpler for Masters because they would not face disappearing bids. But also they would be better able to select players they want. Under the current system a Master has to decide almost immediately how many bids he wants to lay out If he bids on seven players, he may win all seven bids (likely dropping two slaves) or he may win only four (resulting in him having to bid high on a player when he'd rather have a slave for 1). The ability to postpone decision-making until the Master has more information will lead to better decisions being made.
It's simpler for candidates because the vast majority of the time, if you get bid on you WILL be drafted.
A couple more points:
- Under the current system, auction is over for the majority of players after the first 24 hours.
- Last War we had a noob drafting rule that had some faults. But I can't overemphasize that the current system hurts newer players who won't command a high price tag. It's all well and good to say "Bah, they're slaves." But that's admitting it's a flawed system and in essence creating an anti-noob drafting rule.
- The auction will be more fun if Masters can metagame a bit, rather than being afraid to use their bids and accidentally push out the cheap players on their team.
Lastly, as I mentioned in chat, I think the system could be designed so that it's not a tremendous amount of work for organizers. Either the candidates can PM the organizers when their clock strikes midnight (vrt’s suggestion), the Masters could PM the organizers, the organizers could wait until a thread hasn’t been bumped for 24 hours, or the Masters could lock the thread themselves (early locking obviously not allowed). Plenty of solutions if that’s what’s holding us back from a superior system.
Edit: As usual, my reading comprehensive is a little lackluster. All of my posts heretofore have been under the impression the uniclock resets bidding for players that have already received bids. After having six people in chat and a puppeteer explain it to me like I was four, I see that bidding resets for all players and that renders everything I said retarded.