Voodoo Doll needs to be banned immediatelyIt forces desyncs on a regular basis. This leads to matchups that incredibly favor the side with the dolls, as they get an early lead with hp, and other stupid things happen as well.
These are screenshots from the match that I had to play against entropy's voodoo deck.

A few turns later...

Edit: The card missing from my hand is a pendulum. 5(start) -3 (quake) +1 (drawn)=3(end)
Note that my air quanta has not increased in 2 turns. I have no way of burning off the 2 air that I received next turn (I was earthquaked), and the opposite deck has no way of draining it. The extra turns I had to wait to cast OE were critical, as was 1 turn away from stabilizing at the end of the game, and having those 2 quanta would have let me play OE 2 turns earlier than I was able to.
This was just one example of the desyncing. If the game between SV and I and some additional testing are included, I think we had 6-7 straight games with desyncs when the decks were played against each other.
Team air war already a victim of this glitch, any further casualties would be completely unacceptable.
I don't know if it's my place to propose a solution, but I suggest that all voodoo dolls are converted to pillars for free.