
Offline Xinef

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Re: War - Suggestions & Feedback https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=13708.msg207145#msg207145
« Reply #216 on: November 22, 2010, 10:56:17 pm »
You don't convert off element cards, you just arbitrarily rearrange your on element cards to suit your needs (unless I've misunderstood what you're saying, and you can't convert on element cards). Additionally, I will always discard my on element cards first, since I can make as many as I want.

Every team as made it to this point in the war, where I would be able to convert enough to make basically 2 full decks.


What's to stop me from getting as many of an on-element card as I want? Right now the limit is 24 copies of an on-element card, but with conversion that goes out the window.

And it still takes away some from proper vault planning. You no longer have to bother planning out your vault to have enough on-element cards, nor do you have to discard with this in mind, because you'll always be able to convert more.
I don't know what other people think about it, but my suggestion was that only off-element cards can be converted into in-element cards, with the exception that any card can be converted into a pillar. In other words, the limit that only 'medium creatures' can be converted into 'medium creatures' means that I can for example convert an FFQ into an Anubis or into a Pharaoh, but I cannot convert an Anubis into a Pharaoh, or a Pharaoh into Anubis. I also cannot convert FFQ into Deja Vu, since it is another category, nor a Devonian Dragon.

So, if I need Pharaohs or Anubises, I need to either have in my vault, or salvage, off-element creatures with cost between 9 and 5.

You say, you would always discard in-element cards first? If so, you WILL need a big reserve of in-element cards for the early round, when your conversions are limited to 6,12,18 cards. You lose more cards than that, so you do need a reserve. OR, you discard off-element cards. Your choice. Afterwards, you discard all 30 cards, so it's no choice.

What's stopping you from converting 2 full decks? Common sense. You want to win this war, and converting 2 full decks won't help you in achieving that. It will only make your vault much more mono, and that is a weakness.

Unless there are some exploits possible, that I don't know about, 'unlimited' in-element conversions are only useful, and increasing your chances to win if either:
-your team has lost a lot of in-element cards (thus becoming dangerously <50% in-element) - this can happen due to poor discarding choices, or due to a lot of salvaging.
-your team is very short in terms of pillars/pendulums (yeah, this can be called poor vault design, but as long as a team keeps winning more than losing, it does not need many pillars/pendulums in their vault - so you only take a lot of pillars/pendulums if you want to 'be good in the losers league'). Generally I've seen people expressing opinions that rules should prevent suicide decks from being a necessity, and pillars/pendulums conversion is a good solution. Limiting it in the first few turns is all that is needed to prevent the 'no-pillars-vault' from happening.
-you really think your opponent 'knows for sure' what deck you are about to use, and you surprise him with a mono deck, even if it means losing a lot of valuable off-element cards (this situation would probably only happen when your vault is left at <100 cards, since it's a do-it-once trick that might prolong your struggle by one turn if your opponent didn't expect it, but leaves you vulnerable afterwards).

As for how this all affects vault building:
-You need 50% in-element cards to begin with, and these cards are stuck. You cannot convert them, so you can't decide for example that you didn't need that many Deja Vu, and you want something else. These stay until you lose them through discarding or penalties.
-You could for example take 18 dragons, instead of 24, because you think you will never need more than 18 at once, and you don't need 6 extra to replace the ones lost, because you can always convert... well, you can't always. If you lose 12 dragons, and you don't have 12 off-element dragons (do you?), you can't, and you will suffer the consequences. Ok, let's say you did have 12 off-element dragons (some salvaged this turn, for example)... but if you convert them, that's 12 less other cards you can convert this turn. If you are short on pillars, you still have to chose what to convert, and you won't be able to solve all problems.
-Generally, if you expect to solve all problems through conversion, your vault will be becoming more and more mono. This can be viewed as a good thing - the teams finally start representing their elements :P - but in fact it only weakens your team.

-Good vaults, need to be designed carefully, so that they can use conversions for their benefit, but they don't rely on conversions too heavily, since a few more lost duels than you expected, and you are left with 0 dragons and not enough pillars to field proper decks, for example.

-I think the conversion limits (and generally rules concerning conversions) should be adjusted in such a way, that it is always risky to rely on conversions, but they serve two purposes:
- to save teams that were unlucky and lost a lot of duels because of playing aggressively, instead of trying to be the best loser, so that they don't have to field suicide decks
- to allow some interesting twists in late game
May the force of the D4HK side be with U ^_^
:time samurai


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Re: War - Suggestions & Feedback https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=13708.msg207149#msg207149
« Reply #217 on: November 22, 2010, 11:00:53 pm »
At this point, I no longer understand what your proposal actually is, so maybe if you could state exactly what you're proposing it would help.

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Re: War - Suggestions & Feedback https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=13708.msg207158#msg207158
« Reply #218 on: November 22, 2010, 11:10:58 pm »
At this point, I no longer understand what your proposal actually is, so maybe if you could state exactly what you're proposing it would help.
1. Allowed conversions:
-Any card into a pillar or pendulum.
-Off-element weapon into in-element weapon.
-Off-element shield into in-element shield.
-Off-element other permanent into in-element other permanent.
-Off-element creature cost 0 to 4 into in-element creature cost 0 to 4.
-Off-element creature cost 5 to 9 into in-element creature cost 5 to 9.
-Off-element creature cost >9 into in-element creature cost >9.
-Off-element spell into in-element spell. (might need splitting into a number of categories, to prevent cheap spells converted into miracles... but on the other hand, what COULD be converted into a miracle then? Only Fractal/Antimatter/Aflatoxin?)

2. Limit on the total number of conversions (sum of all the above, including pillar/pendulum conversions):
round 1: 6
round 2: 12
round 3: 18
round 4: 24
round 5: 30
round 6: 36
round n = 6*n
May the force of the D4HK side be with U ^_^
:time samurai


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Re: War - Suggestions & Feedback https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=13708.msg207162#msg207162
« Reply #219 on: November 22, 2010, 11:17:32 pm »
I still don't really a couple things about that:

1) I will always discard cards from my element first, because I can just make more later.
2) There's no real good way to enforce the 24 of a single card anymore.
3) It seems like it would be a huge pain for the warmasters to verify that everyone's conversions were legal.

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Re: War - Suggestions & Feedback https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=13708.msg207171#msg207171
« Reply #220 on: November 22, 2010, 11:30:19 pm »
I still don't really a couple things about that:

1) I will always discard cards from my element first, because I can just make more later.
2) There's no real good way to enforce the 24 of a single card anymore.
3) It seems like it would be a huge pain for the warmasters to verify that everyone's conversions were legal.

1) Ok, your choice to be weak now, hoping to make up for it later. Good luck.
2) Yeah, that might need another rule to prevent it. It's hard for me to think of some solution, because we didn't need >24 of any card, but I guess some elements might benefit more from abusing it. We could simply say that it is illegal to convert cards into something if you already have >24 of it.
3) I don't see much of a difference in difficulty between checking:

How it is now:

6 Purple Nymph -> 6 Time Pendulums
4 Pink Elephant -> 4 Time Towers
2 Donate to Elements -> 2 Time Pendulums

How it would be:
6 Purple Nymph -> 6 Time Nymph
4 Pink Elephant -> 4 Time Elephant
2 Donate to Elements -> 2 It's time to donate to Elements

I guess Warmasters roughly remember the costs of unupped creatures, and they can distinguish a spell from a permanent without looking at some charts.

And by the way, for the next war I might apply to become a Warmaster, depending on if I lose the Master title, and depending on the amounts of Time I might sacrifice for that task. And I'm not afraid of checking every vault for any illegal actions, even if it would require me to write scripts to do the job while I'm saving the world or something.
May the force of the D4HK side be with U ^_^
:time samurai

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Re: War - Suggestions & Feedback https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=13708.msg207174#msg207174
« Reply #221 on: November 22, 2010, 11:34:48 pm »
I guess Warmasters roughly remember the costs of unupped creatures, and they can distinguish a spell from a permanent without looking at some charts.
I'm sure they can, but in your proposal they have to remember 100s of cards for each team, and would have to spot as little as 1 card discrepencies in some cases. I suppose that wouldn't be a problem if they had it all written down though, unless I'm missing something. (most likely I am, as I'm not very active in looking over the war).

Offline Xinef

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Re: War - Suggestions & Feedback https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=13708.msg207179#msg207179
« Reply #222 on: November 22, 2010, 11:44:47 pm »
I'm sure they can, but in your proposal they have to remember 100s of cards for each team, and would have to spot as little as 1 card discrepencies in some cases. I suppose that wouldn't be a problem if they had it all written down though, unless I'm missing something. (most likely I am, as I'm not very active in looking over the war).
I don't know what you mean by hundreds, but the 1 card discrepancies are the same with deckbuilding, the same with salvaging, the same with discarding, and the same with the 12-pillar-only conversions we have right now.

As far as I've heard, Warmasters are keeping their own 'history' of vaults and they make a 'copy' of each vault every time a round starts, so they can check if the changes between round N and round N+1 were legal.
May the force of the D4HK side be with U ^_^
:time samurai


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Re: War - Suggestions & Feedback https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=13708.msg207183#msg207183
« Reply #223 on: November 22, 2010, 11:47:41 pm »
1) Ok, your choice to be weak now, hoping to make up for it later. Good luck.
But you won't be weak now. I'll won't be missing any on element cards at the beginning, and by the time I might start running out, I can convert so many of them that it won't matter. This is especially true of pillars, because I can convert them at will.
3) I don't see much of a difference in difficulty between checking:

How it is now:

6 Purple Nymph -> 6 Time Pendulums
4 Pink Elephant -> 4 Time Towers
2 Donate to Elements -> 2 Time Pendulums

How it would be:
6 Purple Nymph -> 6 Time Nymph
4 Pink Elephant -> 4 Time Elephant
2 Donate to Elements -> 2 It's time to donate to Elements

I guess Warmasters roughly remember the costs of unupped creatures, and they can distinguish a spell from a permanent without looking at some charts.
Checking the first one only requires seeing if the cards are in the vault. For the second one, I also have to keep track of all the conversion rules, and make sure that all of the conversions are legal. Not to mention that which conversions can be made vary from team to team, and it just sounds like a huge pain for the warmasters. The warmasters would have to be more vigilant too, because with these rules it would be fairly easy to mess with the numbers of various cards, just because of all the converting that's going on.

Additionally, right now it's just 12 cards each time, but with your proposed rules, it would easily climb much higher than that.

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Re: War - Suggestions & Feedback https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=13708.msg207235#msg207235
« Reply #224 on: November 23, 2010, 12:28:03 am »
But you won't be weak now. I'll won't be missing any on element cards at the beginning, and by the time I might start running out, I can convert so many of them that it won't matter. This is especially true of pillars, because I can convert them at will.
Easy to say in theory, but try that in practice. With the current rules, we were missing some in-element cards at the beginning (and had to take some as a propaganda bonus) and we are running out seriously now. If we were to convert off-element cards into the cards we might want for some deck ideas, we would be left with very few off-element cards, and thus countering our decks would be really easy, from now on. Conclusion? - In practice, it's in most cases better to keep off-element cards and limit your usage of in-element cards.

You can't convert pillars at will, because that uses up your conversion limit and thus leaves you with fewer in-element conversions.

Just one more example from practice:
Team Time:
Round 1: discarding 24 cards, converting (my rules) up to 6
Round 2: discarding 60 cards, converting (my rules) up to 12
Round 3: discarding 90 cards, converting (my rules) up to 18
Round 4: discarding 120 cards, converting (my rules) up to 24

Do you REALLY think that my conversion limits are enough to make up for the losses?

Additionally, right now it's just 12 cards each time, but with your proposed rules, it would easily climb much higher than that.
SG suggested to change it into 24. Anyway, my suggestion is about the maximum. The optimal number is often far lower. It only needs to be high for the unlucky teams that face a losing streak, or for the last few rounds when I'd like to see more twists instead of using the same deck 4 times in a row, because it's your only deck left.

As for difficulty for Warmasters, I guess it might differ from person to person. For me it seems natural, so I wouldn't have problems remembering those rules. They are in fact almost identical to each other. I can even remember it in a shorter form:

"-Any card into a pillar or pendulum."
CardType[] elementsCardTypes = {"weapon", "shield", "other permanent", "spell", "0 to 4 cost creature", "5 to 9 cost creature", "10 and up cost creature"}
for each(CardType t : elementsCardTypes) {
"-Off-element " + t +" into in-element " + t + "."

And that's roughly the way it is encoded in my mind. If it's not easy to remember for you, then I guess you don't have the mentality of game-mechanics-designer. Yeah... it's a serious mental illness quite common between programmers :P

Generally, the most painful part of 'checking if everything is legal' I've been through 7+4 (both wars) times so far is checking if all the decks can be made at the same time. I usually do this by taking a spreadsheet version of our vault, adjusting it with our current suggestion for discarding/salvaging/converting, then go through 9 decks subtracting all the cards from the spreadsheet and checking if in the end anything goes into negatives. THAT's a lot of work, and is very error prone, so I keep a list of 'how many cards should be there after subtracting N decks, so that I can at least check if the number of cards I removed is correct.

I think checking round_number*6 cards if they can be converted or not is a cakewalk when compared to that.
May the force of the D4HK side be with U ^_^
:time samurai


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Re: War - Suggestions & Feedback https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=13708.msg207244#msg207244
« Reply #225 on: November 23, 2010, 12:41:56 am »
Easy to say in theory, but try that in practice. With the current rules, we were missing some in-element cards at the beginning (and had to take some as a propaganda bonus) and we are running out seriously now.
Sorry but the first part in particular shows a lack of vault planning. If you were missing in-element cards from the beginning, then you didn't do a very good job building your vault.

If we were to convert off-element cards into the cards we might want for some deck ideas, we would be left with very few off-element cards, and thus countering our decks would be really easy, from now on. Conclusion? - In practice, it's in most cases better to keep off-element cards and limit your usage of in-element cards.
I agree, to the point where I never worry about my on-element cards and always discard them first.

You can't convert pillars at will, because that uses up your conversion limit and thus leaves you with fewer in-element conversions.
This is only true in the beginning. Come round 6,7,8, I'll be able to convert so many cards that it won't matter.

Just one more example from practice:
Team Time:
Round 1: discarding 24 cards, converting (my rules) up to 6
Round 2: discarding 60 cards, converting (my rules) up to 12
Round 3: discarding 90 cards, converting (my rules) up to 18
Round 4: discarding 120 cards, converting (my rules) up to 24

Do you REALLY think that my conversion limits are enough to make up for the losses?
The conversion isn't supposed to allow you to completely skip out on any vault planning whatsoever. Being able to convert an entire deck's worth of new cards is too much.
Additionally, right now it's just 12 cards each time, but with your proposed rules, it would easily climb much higher than that.
SG suggested to change it into 24. Anyway, my suggestion is about the maximum. The optimal number is often far lower. It only needs to be high for the unlucky teams that face a losing streak, or for the last few rounds when I'd like to see more twists instead of using the same deck 4 times in a row, because it's your only deck left.[/quote[

The optimal number will increase because I'll always want to keep as many cards as possible off element so that I have more options. I also think that having to use the same deck over and over again at the end is what makes this War, instead of just a series of PVP brackets.

As for difficulty for Warmasters, I guess it might differ from person to person. For me it seems natural, so I wouldn't have problems remembering those rules. They are in fact almost identical to each other. I can even remember it in a shorter form:

"-Any card into a pillar or pendulum."
CardType[] elementsCardTypes = {"weapon", "shield", "other permanent", "spell", "0 to 4 cost creature", "5 to 9 cost creature", "10 and up cost creature"}
for each(CardType t : elementsCardTypes) {
"-Off-element " + t +" into in-element " + t + "."

And that's roughly the way it is encoded in my mind. If it's not easy to remember for you, then I guess you don't have the mentality of game-mechanics-designer. Yeah... it's a serious mental illness quite common between programmers :P

Generally, the most painful part of 'checking if everything is legal' I've been through 7+4 (both wars) times so far is checking if all the decks can be made at the same time.
I can keep track of it in my head more or less. It's just that with so much going on, the chance for a mistake to go by is much higher, regardless of how well you can keep track of it in your head. It's more complicated, and therefore more prone to mistakes.

I think our debate largely stems from our differences in opinion on how the war should be set up. You want it to be more forgiving, whereas I place a large value on foresight, and think that a lack of it should be punished to a degree.

Offline Xinef

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Re: War - Suggestions & Feedback https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=13708.msg207297#msg207297
« Reply #226 on: November 23, 2010, 01:47:01 am »
Easy to say in theory, but try that in practice. With the current rules, we were missing some in-element cards at the beginning (and had to take some as a propaganda bonus) and we are running out seriously now.
Sorry but the first part in particular shows a lack of vault planning. If you were missing in-element cards from the beginning, then you didn't do a very good job building your vault.
Nope, that shows that it's War with limited cards and not a PvP tournament. To completely avoid missing in-element cards at the beginning you'd need 54 (6*9) of each in-element card. Otherwise, you won't be able to design any deck you want with in-element cards.

In other words, let's say I take 24 Devonian Dragons. I can't take more than that, according to rules. Then, I'd like to field 5 Dragon rushes, each with 6 Devonian Dragons. Hmm... I'm missing in-element cards... you call that 'a lack of vault planning' ?

Of course I'm not giving the exact numbers and the exact cards, to avoid giving out informations about our vault. The situation is more complex though, so I'll try to explain it a bit more clearly:

Let's say I take 18 of each in-element card, and 24 of the ones we might need the most, and 150 pillars/pendulums.
That's a bit above 400 cards.

And then, it happens that we want to field for some reasons 4 dragon rushes, ok, we can do it, and 4 deja vu rushes... oops, we can't... we didn't expect that so much deja vu will be optimal for the given situation. So, should we take 24 of each in-element card?

No, no, no, and once again no. Because we will be missing tons and tons of out-of element cards. So, we have to cope with the fact we will be missing in-element cards and balance it with the fact we will be missing out-of-element cards even more.

I agree, to the point where I never worry about my on-element cards and always discard them first.
If you discard them first, then you are not keeping your off-element cards, since you force yourself into converting them to keep yourself able to field legal decks with enough pillars. You either discard off-element cards, or discard in-element cards and convert off-element cards... any way, you are losing off-element cards, and these give you versatility.

This is only true in the beginning. Come round 6,7,8, I'll be able to convert so many cards that it won't matter.
Come round 6,7,8 and you'll be able to convert only one or two decks, since that's what is left of your vault. At this point converting into pillars is mostly unnecessary, since losing decks causes you to discard 30 cards and thus drop the number of people playing. Pillar/Pendulum shortages are caused by losing pillars/pendulums in early rounds, when you can lose cards without decreasing the number of people playing. In round 6 you will usually have enough pillars for each player, unless you somehow salvage enough cards to bring one player back into play, in which case you might want to convert eg. 15 cards into pendulums to give him a reasonable deck.

The conversion isn't supposed to allow you to completely skip out on any vault planning whatsoever. Being able to convert an entire deck's worth of new cards is too much.

I'm only giving this as a reply to you saying that with my suggested system you can make up for losses in in-element cards through conversion. You can't unless you keep going 7-2 or better for the whole war.

The optimal number will increase because I'll always want to keep as many cards as possible off element so that I have more options. I also think that having to use the same deck over and over again at the end is what makes this War, instead of just a series of PVP brackets.
That's one thing I don't like about these whole wars. They are extremely intensive in the beginning, when you need to manage 9 people, and 60 cards per person. Then, in the middle of the war, it becomes simpler - you are left with a few decks, and it's mostly a choice which deck goes against whom. Then, at the end, it's a boring - one duel per week, without any thought. Sometimes you might be able to change your deck with your 'sideboard' (ie. the cards you salvage/keep >30 but <60)... but, the probability is quite low, so most often it's the same deck, once a week. Boring. Epic struggles at the end of war should be full of last bits of strategic decisions, risks that may allow you to survive one more round, or push you into oblivion... and definitely, converting your whole deck into mono, and going like 'tonight we dine in hell' or 'it's show time!' or 'for the Overmind!' is much more epic than losing with some duo deck, that accidentally depends more on the other element. :P

I can keep track of it in my head more or less. It's just that with so much going on, the chance for a mistake to go by is much higher, regardless of how well you can keep track of it in your head. It's more complicated, and therefore more prone to mistakes.

I think our debate largely stems from our differences in opinion on how the war should be set up. You want it to be more forgiving, whereas I place a large value on foresight, and think that a lack of it should be punished to a degree.
Well, depending on how well you keep track of that, chances of mistake might differ. One person might make mistakes more often when checking the conversions, another while checking the decks, depending on the way it is encoded in their mind and what is more natural to whom. The laws of Gravity might be complex, but it doesn't stop you from falling down when you should. In the right circumstances, mistakes can be avoided by choosing more natural (subjectively, for the organizers) rules, rather than simpler rules, for example. I don't know what the organizers will decide in this matter, so I'm simply expressing and developing my idea. And making it clear since you seem to be interested in in, even if you are against the majority of it. :P

As for the differences in opinion, I simply think that my suggestions would solve some problems like suicide decks, would increase the importance of your main element, and would increase the epicness of the late game.
They are not at all forgiving, since with these rules a poorly designed vault will lose anyway (especially if it depended on conversions too much), and a well designed vault can gain through proper conversions.

The main problem is that vault building is a choice - either you build an aggressive vault, that does well as long as you keep winning, but loses a lot strength after losing too many times.
OR, you build a 'damage prone' vault, with many pillars, more in-element cards, and generally more 'strong decks of your element' than 'counter decks'. A vault, that is still capable of fighting after suffering heavy losses, but is unable to adjust and loses much flexibility when compared to the aggressive vaults.
The aggressive vault usually goes either 7-2, 8-1, 7-2, 6-3, 7-2,... and so on, or 4-6,... 2-7,... 0-3... 0...0...0
The defensive vault most of the time will go 3-6, 3-6, 3-6, 2-4, 1-3, 0-2, ... 0, ... 0,... 0

So, if you want to win the war you generally have to build aggressive vaults, and these tend to suffer heavily from losing streaks, no matter how well designed they are, or how skilled the players are, or how strategically the decks are designed. So, if some team is having pillar shortages, it doesn't necessarily mean that they poorly designed their vault. It might mean that they designed it in a way that gave them let's say 15 % chance of winning this war, instead of 2% chance... and simply the RNG decided to still return "false".

anybody wanna cookie?
Yes, please :]
Just not the Darkness Cookie, since that cookie is a lie. They already ate it.
May the force of the D4HK side be with U ^_^
:time samurai


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Re: War - Suggestions & Feedback https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=13708.msg207332#msg207332
« Reply #227 on: November 23, 2010, 02:33:25 am »
So it allows you to bypass the 24 card limit, but if you want that, then just do away with it. Don't make one rule then make another to get around it.

The limits on the cards you can take is what makes the War different from just being a tournament. It means that you have to make decisions about what it is that you want to take.

If you discard them first, then you are not keeping your off-element cards, since you force yourself into converting them to keep yourself able to field legal decks with enough pillars. You either discard off-element cards, or discard in-element cards and convert off-element cards... any way, you are losing off-element cards, and these give you versatility.
But I'm only converting them later when it becomes necessary. I can keep all the off element cards in the mean time.

I'm only giving this as a reply to you saying that with my suggested system you can make up for losses in in-element cards through conversion. You can't unless you keep going 7-2 or better for the whole war.
A properly constructed vault with appropriately chosen decks could make it through the entire war without this being an issue, regardless of their record. If you can't afford to lose 30 on element cards, then don't play a deck that has 30 on element cards in it. If you want to use decks with 30 on element cards, then build your vault such that you can afford to lose 30 on element cards.

That's one thing I don't like about these whole wars. They are extremely intensive in the beginning, when you need to manage 9 people, and 60 cards per person. Then, in the middle of the war, it becomes simpler - you are left with a few decks, and it's mostly a choice which deck goes against whom. Then, at the end, it's a boring - one duel per week, without any thought. Sometimes you might be able to change your deck with your 'sideboard' (ie. the cards you salvage/keep >30 but <60)... but, the probability is quite low, so most often it's the same deck, once a week. Boring. Epic struggles at the end of war should be full of last bits of strategic decisions, risks that may allow you to survive one more round, or push you into oblivion... and definitely, converting your whole deck into mono, and going like 'tonight we dine in hell' or 'it's show time!' or 'for the Overmind!' is much more epic than losing with some duo deck, that accidentally depends more on the other element. :P
It's that lack of freedom that makes it War.

Well, depending on how well you keep track of that, chances of mistake might differ. One person might make mistakes more often when checking the conversions, another while checking the decks, depending on the way it is encoded in their mind and what is more natural to whom. The laws of Gravity might be complex, but it doesn't stop you from falling down when you should. In the right circumstances, mistakes can be avoided by choosing more natural (subjectively, for the organizers) rules, rather than simpler rules, for example. I don't know what the organizers will decide in this matter, so I'm simply expressing and developing my idea. And making it clear since you seem to be interested in in, even if you are against the majority of it. :P
Fair enough. Debating these things is how we make them better.

As for the differences in opinion, I simply think that my suggestions would solve some problems like suicide decks, would increase the importance of your main element, and would increase the epicness of the late game.
They are not at all forgiving, since with these rules a poorly designed vault will lose anyway (especially if it depended on conversions too much), and a well designed vault can gain through proper conversions.
They are more forgiving than the rules are now though. And with these rules being used, you would still be stronger if you just tried to barely hang on to being able to build legal decks, as you would have more freedom in off element cards.

The main problem is that vault building is a choice - either you build an aggressive vault, that does well as long as you keep winning, but loses a lot strength after losing too many times.
OR, you build a 'damage prone' vault, with many pillars, more in-element cards, and generally more 'strong decks of your element' than 'counter decks'. A vault, that is still capable of fighting after suffering heavy losses, but is unable to adjust and loses much flexibility when compared to the aggressive vaults.
The aggressive vault usually goes either 7-2, 8-1, 7-2, 6-3, 7-2,... and so on, or 4-6,... 2-7,... 0-3... 0...0...0
The defensive vault most of the time will go 3-6, 3-6, 3-6, 2-4, 1-3, 0-2, ... 0, ... 0,... 0

So, if you want to win the war you generally have to build aggressive vaults, and these tend to suffer heavily from losing streaks, no matter how well designed they are, or how skilled the players are, or how strategically the decks are designed. So, if some team is having pillar shortages, it doesn't necessarily mean that they poorly designed their vault. It might mean that they designed it in a way that gave them let's say 15 % chance of winning this war, instead of 2% chance... and simply the RNG decided to still return "false".
I don't think it has to be one or the other, and I think team :air is a decent example of that. We're doing quite well for ourselves, and that's after having a disastrous 3rd round. Our vault had enough redundancy in how it was setup that those losses were something we could suffer without being completely ruined.

