War betting - Guess the winners and win prizes!Do you think you know who will win the War? If you do, now is your chance to win prizes!
RULES:Post here listing all 12 element icons in the order you think will be the final result of War, starting from the winner (you can also give a brief explanation on why you chose that particular order).
Example post:

I chose Aether to win because bla bla.. I think Air will be second because bla bla.. etc.
Please note that the example above is just an alphabetical order, not my own personal opinion on final results.This topic will be locked before battles start. After War is over, we will issue points like this:
You don't guess the winner | 0 points |
You guess the winner | 1 points |
You guess the winner + 2nd | 2 points |
You guess the winner + 2nd + 3rd | 3 points |
... | ... |
You put all 12 elements in correct order | 12 points |
As soon as you guess incorrectly, rest of your guesses are irrelevant. This means that if I get places 3-12 correct, but fail in 1st and 2nd, I will get zero points!
In case of a draw, we will look at
all the 12 element icons and count overall score (one point per correct placing). If that is tied as well, then.. we will think of something.
Prizes:The person who gets the most points will win
a bag of Rare Cards!, which has
8 Shards and is the equivalent of $40 donation code.