Im with Antagon here.
If a team has tons of penalties, and still manages to get better win percentage than another team without all those penalties, they really deserve getting that position.
I couldn't disagree more.
This event is all about the Vault. Cards in Vault are you "health points". These health points determine winners and losers.
When you lose cards, you lose cards.
How you lose them is irrelevant. I don't want penalties to be so insignificant that players don't think they are a big deal. Penalties are a part of this event, designed to make the life of organizers easier. Running War is no small task and every little help is appreciated.
Tip to players who don't want penalties to effect final standings:
do not take penalties.
Im sure most people will agree that
did better than
Well, that debatable.

had one great round, couple of ok rounds, and the rest were a disaster.

had a bad start, but they won
3 consecutive matches with their final deck, in a situation where their opponents pretty much knew what cards they had. That's not easy. During that

"survival mode",

lost almost all matches. I'm not saying either team did better, but I'm saying that it's not so clear-cut.
Also like I've said a thousand times before,
card conversion system we will have in War 2 will change many things for the better, including this scoring "problem".