It's funny how last war I was the top poster in this thread, spamming responses for each team's departure. I guess your outlook differs when you're not winning but trying to keep afloat above the bottom every round
First up, I owe everyone and Aether an apology. Near the start of the war, I'd complained that people hated on Aether unnecessarily, and Aether was totally balanced as an element. But 'deuce op' was not really much more than a lame excuse. Aether is very very powerful, but I wasn't strong enough to realize its full potential back then. So I'm sorry for the whining at the start of the war (and perhaps later on too). And I hope the last two wars will teach people that Aether is beatable with the proper dedication to your own element, and it'll be able to leave behind more than the necessary amount of hate.
Next, thank you council for picking me as the General for Aether. It was an honor, and I loved every second of it. And the best part of it was getting to work with such an awesome team!
Jenkar, I'm still kinda guilty because I feel like you should've ended up with afda and taken air to a new height. But I was extremely glad to have you as my lieutenant. You were always around to help out with testing, especially earlier on when it was much more stressful. It was also inspiring to see you put on a happy face despite all the personal losses. It's a shame we couldn't interact more and develop a stronger bond, but it was an honor converging paths with you even this once. ^^
Undeadspider1990, you were one person I had my sights on since the start of auction. I knew you had great potential from the time I played you, and it was worth it to have you as my other lieutenant. It's a shame you had to be very busy throughout the war, because I'm sure with a little experience you'd be a monster deckbuilder. Thanks for all the work you put into playing the matches! It's a shame I couldn't interact more with you either. But I suppose we will remain buddies for life after that glorious match. ^^
bjesse, I haven't heard from you for a while so I hope you're alright! I hope you managed to get past all the trouble rl was giving you. It was great having you on board. Thanks for all the work you put into testing early on!
Spacious... I believe I own you and the community another apology here. Spacious was really great, a person I was hoping would end up surpassing even Ginyu in terms of strength as a newcomer. But alas, I was not there to help her early on. Vaultbuilding was spent in mismatched communication and misguided emphasis on specific decks on my part, which prolly bored her and made her give up on EtG. If you ever return to read this, Spacious, I'm sorry I didn't get the oppurtunity to show you just how mindblowingly awesome this game is :|
sumtwig07, you were an awesome teammate as well. I'm sorry if I mollycoddled you at times while trying to help you with matchups. I'm not really good at leading a team, am I? xD Anyways, thanks for your part in paying the matches early on. Hope rl treats you well
I apologize to you all for not being a good leader, especially when the team needed it the most early on. And I thank you all for being there on my roster. If it wasn't for you guys, I'd have given up on R4 and let aether falter. You guys kept me going, and look how far we managed to rise
It was truly an amazing war, and I'd like to thank all the other teams for making it so much fun! You all made a commendable effort in the new meta, and it was amazing to watch the creativity flow from everyone. Special shout-outs to:
www3 and Coffeeditto (and serp and Dm): While I'm still very grumpy about the lack of a proper EC to boost relics, you guys did an amazing job at managing War. Thanks for taking the time to ensure that this event stayed so epic.
Team Earth: I knew from Round 1 that you guys wouldn't go down easy in the end, but your turn-around was still an inspiration to watch. Great job on all the cool new decks, and on giving the top teams such a hard time. You guys should've ended up in a better place.
Team Time&Entropy: You guys were always a pleasure to face, thought that might've simply been because you were so easy to beat.
Seriously, it was fun coming up with the deck for you guys because neither of you were truly easy. I feel proud that I managed to do so well against such tough opponents as you guys.
Aves, Newbiecake and Discord: I consider myself a good writer, so I can be a bit arrogant when it comes to writing. So when I first saw you guys write, I viewed it with disdain and criticized how it could be so much better. But you guys were essential to making war so awesome! It was a pleasure reading your work, and I hope you guys continue writing in the future! If you ever want constructive criticism or teaching, I'm here to help. ^^
Team Air: Well, I saw this coming since the start. I'm sorry for stacking my auction plan against you Afda, but I knew I couldn't let you develop that awesome team... and you ended up doing it anyway
. You guys used all the advantages you had right, and, well, now have the position you deserve. It was a blast facing you... I mean, kinda. At least it inspired me to come up with the awesomest decks possible from the vault in a bid to defeat that monster of a dark domin
I'll always treasure the hours spent testing out 300+ games in total just for you guys.
Team Darkness: The one I did not see coming. Physs did manage a great team, but I still did not expect you guys to shatter all expectations and manage a record-breaking first place in War. I mean, you still have yet to achieve it, but what you've showed so far is worthy of a record itself. I do hope we end up as the team to have just an even record vs you guys tho
Once again, thank you all for an awesome War. I'd write my experiences as a General, but you can find much better generals than me for that. I'll just wish the best of luck to the two remaining teams. Air is on the verge of a comeback, and so everything is still pretty interesting. You guys will make for an amazing final battle.
* Zawadx gathers the popcorn ^^