I'm really sad to see us in

going out first. We had the potential to go further but fate wanted something else.
Zso_ZsoThe best general I've had. You are a very good deck builder, you know how to run a war in a very good way, you were crystal clear with what you wanted from your teammates from day one and you're good to work with. You have also been very active. Thank you for this war Zso!
HainkargaSome people said that this dude is invaluable in war. I can agree that you added a lot to the team while you were active. In your application post you said that your time was very limited, so from team

perspective I think you hold our expectations. It was fun to play with you and I hope to play with you again in the future, thank you.
Treebeard XiiiI was looking forward to work with you this war. You said that your time was limited in your application. But not being able to even be in chat more than once in 8 rounds was far less than expected..... It would be good if you would describe your activity a bit more detailed next war.....
ADI didn't know you and was looking forward to get to know you. I saw your farewell post and totally understand you, but it would have been good if you had mentioned this in your application.
seulintseHonestly I didn't have very high expectations of you. I didn't add a lot to the team my first war, but at least you could have showed up in chat more than once when the rounds started.
BlacksI could have done more but are overall satisfied with my participation.

had two big setbacks this war. Going from 6th place with 18,255 ( when the average war vault was 18,239.83 ) to second last after deciding the vault was the first. Our average card cost counting shards was 65.2 and not counting shards it was 59.7. We were able to afford 10 shard and had a vault consisting of 280 cards. Our in element cards were so expensive we were forced to buy scrap cards like holy light just to make it 50% in element. I don't know how other team's vault looks like but I'm sure other teams got both more shards and cards. We need to find a way to balance this for next war. I will post something in the feedback thread later.
Our second setback was that after round 2 only I and Zso were active when deckbuilding. We also had 4*double gen round in a row from round 2-5. After that we was not able to compete. It's also here I blame myself for not doing more.
All in all it was fun to play for

again and I hope

will do a lot better next war.