Time to get this thread back on topic. Sorry for the wall of text. I'd be interested to hear others' opinions.
Auction vs DraftMight as well start at the start. I love auction. There's a lot more strategy involved than with the drafting system, and you have a greater say about what your final team will look like. On top of that, it's much more fun, both to be a General and a spectator. Just make sure to get the team sizes right to avoid the crazy inflation.
Player Roles and UpgradesI liked the 3 in element upgrade rule. I didn't like the Lieutenant role having the same power level as a Soldier boost.
Tinkerer was perhaps the most controversial role this war. Personally, I'm not a fan. One of the things I love about war is creative deck building to patch up an elemental weakness. Two excellent examples are the Time
Disco Pharaohs, and the Darkness
Pandematter stall. Disco Pharaohs was designed to beat both Devtal and Bonebolt from Aether, two decks that Time struggles with greatly. The Pandematter stall was a clever counter to RoL/Hope, in addition to other popular Aether/Light decks.
To an extent, Tinkerer will remove this kind of deck from War. Teams will just use a different element altogether to address their weaknesses. It will also have a negative impact on the variety of decks we see in war. We already see the majority of teams running very similar Grabbows, Dark splashes, Dim/Fractal decks, and more. I'd prefer not to see several teams running 'mono' Darkness/Fire/Aether with 1 or 2 useful in element cards next war in addition to all these other duplicates. Finally, I feel that it takes away from the theme of war.
I thought sideboard was balanced well. 3 cards is not an overwhelming advantage, and the decision to force players to use the full 33 card deck in the first game also helped keep the power level in check. I'd be happy to see this unchanged next war.
I feel that mercenary was designed to give trio decks more of a chance, but in reality it was mostly just a buff to Grabbows. I'd like to see this changed - perhaps have it only effect decks with exactly 2 or 3 elements?
War Duration, Salvage and DiscardWell, obviously this War was a little on the long side. I think the change from 6 salvage, 24 discard to 4 salvage, 15 discard in addition to some enormous starting vault sizes were to blame. Perhaps increase discards for next war?
Market Prices, and Vaults without Pillars/PendulumsMarket Prices put far too much emphasis on how well teams performed during the previous war. It led to a bizarrely large vault for an element as strong as Gravity. Admittedly, that was an extreme case, but it's a good example of what could go wrong. Currently, an effective long-term strategy to win War would be to bomb hard the first time around, and to play very seriously the war after. It's not the sort of strategy I think should be encouraged. Other than that, it's a great idea.
I like the unlimited pillars/pendulums.