For the people who are confusing the upgrades with REDUCTIONS :
The total amount of upgrades is 12/9/7 in this war. This means that this is actually a higher amount of upgrades we had last one. The only difference is that 3 of these upgrades HAVE to be in-element.
For the people skeptical of Shards: If your line of thought is just "It's too strong in some elements like Air" then well, Dim Shield is also a strong card just like SoFree is, and you don't see us banning it, do you? We're thinking on how to balance shards but elemental hate isn't how to go about it. We can't say "These elements can use any amount of shards in deck, Air can only use up to 3"; saying "all elements can only use up to 3" means that some shards become inherently useless, and if we make "6 shards" as a role, then that just means it's broken in a single game.
For Sideboards : We're integrating them as a role.
For Market: We're trying to make it balanced. Vault Building is something people have wanted to change for a while now, and Market can possibly help balance shard. How well this forced balance will be done is a different story entirely.
For those of you who like shards but dislike market and for those of you who like market but dislike shards and for anyone with something to complain: We cannot and will not get all of you pleased simultaneously. We're attempting to change War a bit. If we just introduce Shards as a role then well, we're not really doing anything outstanding and then people will complain about how war is "Stale". If we introduct Shards as free then some people are bound to complain about them, too; if we make Market, some people are bound to complain about it, too; borderline, someone is always going to complain. If you're the one complaining and we decide not to take your feedback to heart, trust me, we have valid reasons to do so. Everyone's feedback is equally valid, and if more people want something over less people, then we will obviously try to cater to the higher amount of people. This is only natural. If you want to complain about something or similar, then please do so in a form that is valid instead of "I think shards are broken for a few elements". Yes, we know that. Elements as a whole is broken to some elements. That's why we're trying to balance it out.