YAY ROLES!!!!! I support static roles determined between auction and round 1 (with perhaps the possibility of an event card allowing some changes at some point). And roles >= team members should work.
If card market thing is well planned and balanced, I believe unlimited shards could work, as the better shards will cost more, just like any other "worth more than a skeleton" card.
utilize a 9/6/4 formation with 3 free in-element upgrades for any and all roles
seems solid.
Not really a fan of universal sideboards, as it has dramatic ramifications on both deckbuilding, and also match play (and may affect the value of situational cards in unbalanced ways). I think maybe a role with a sideboard could lessen this effect while still making it an option.
I definitely like the desire of the WMs to make the effort to balance war better. My one caution would be against making too many changes that stress/undermine teams planning phase each round. Trying to determine how many upgrades each opponent will have (round-by-round role swapping), what special power/ability they may have (round-by-round role swapping), and how many ways 6 sideboard cards can change the entire match (sideboards on all decks) is a lot of very complicating factors that will put a lot of stress on teams during each planning phase, and I suspect lead to more potentially lopsided matches.
Any of those things in limited quantity can add extra challenge, and lesser versions of each is sensible (whether built into the rules for the whole event or introduced for individual rounds via event cards). I am just wary of how many unknowns each team faces when planning decks.
(may re-read more and edit this post later)
Also looking at elk's post brought up a good point, in the past General's could secure at least 1 player early in the auction/draft and then have someone with whom to plan the rest of their auction/draft strategy. Has this been considered/addressed in your discussions regarding removing the max bid? And if it has not, and the WMs (and/or community) feels it is important, should there be a hybrid of some kind put in place to allow General's the ability to first draft their Lieutenant (yay static roles!) followed by a then an open auction on all the remaining players.