Pre-set cards, ARTHA? Any reason for suggesting that change? To me it seems like it would make Vault management even more complex, deckbuilding a hassle, and it forces us to have cards we might not want that many copies of or any copies of at all (looking at Water, 9 floodings and the majority of the other cards for example).
Greater variety, plus it is a noble way to enforce greater balance and originality between the elements (I may explain it more in detail later...).
EDIT: Also, keep in mind that there is an EC card that allows Shards in certain rounds with this ruleset, meaning that cards like Flooding can be more than just good during these rounds. Also, the

Pre-Set cards are considered
in-element for deckbuilding purposes. Moreover, I have not finished the Pre-Set card balance; I think I have yet to nerf


Pre-Set cardpool as much as I should...