I think this is a good EC late in war since it is not uncommon for any element to be running low on an in-element card or 2. But yes, time is not able to benefit from it as much. Tougher to make balanced ECs later in war.
I think the Team
unfairness would be solved if it was possible to assing the Mechanic role to a Lieutenant, but without losing the 9-upgrades advantage. Still, I have no complain about the overall quality of ECs in this War, since it is pretty high tbh.
Nah. That would only be valid if any teams could assign the mechanic role to their Lt.
On the other hand, if they forfeit their Lt upgrades in exchange of the mechanic, it would be fair too.
Come on, it is their "fault" that they got only 2 decks. If they want a mechanic role, it should have the same benefits.