I don't know if it is that much of a trouble (if any) for wms, but standings used to be updated at the same time they entered that a particular match was played. I am sure for exemple that team entropy would like to see they no longer seed in place #12 It would be much appreciated, thanks.
Standings = Brokeded.
Okay, I spent WAY too much time on this, but hopefully it works out... ^^;Here are some extra stats on War #6 (win-loss ratio, roles with the most wins, players with the most wins, etc.). I'll try to keep this updated until this war ends:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aj7BKHGe7wc8dDdueFFGR0FlajlUYVdmd3A1ZkJOOWc#gid=2
i believe earth went 2-2 in round 5 and should be at 101 cards.