Do support team battles start at R1 or R2?
3.1. DETERMINING OPPONENTS...All teams must maintain a Team Rosters and Member Roles sticky topic in their secret forum section. This list says three things: 1) which players will join a round if the team has less than 198 cards, 2) the member role of each player, and 3) which player is playing which team in the coming round. Teams are allowed to change the roles and member order at any time until the end of deckbuilding each round.... At the start of the round duel pairings will be made public by the Warmasters and will show team names only (rather than player names) with the exception of Generals (i.e. Aether General versus Air Player #2). At the end of the deckbuilding phase each round, Warmasters will copy the Team Rosters and Member Roles sticky topic from each secret forum section and paste it in one thread in the public War forum. This will allow everyone to see specific player matchups and their respective roles rather than team matchups.
2.2. MEMBER ROLES2. LieutenantLieutenant is second in command. The General may not assign this role to himself. Lieutenants act as liaison for the Support Team, submitting actions to the Warmasters. "If one team member is unable to perform his or her duties, the Lieutenant is responsible for performing the job of that team member." Line was removed due to it no longer being necessary with the way roles and duties are able to be changed at a moment's notice.
6. ScoutA Scout may post the name of two cards before the deckbuilding deadline each round. If the Scout wins the battle, s/he learns the number of said cards that were in his/her opponent’s vault at the beginning of the round. The posts may should state the round number and cards being scouted only. Only the Scout may make this post.
Is there a specific format for posting Support Team actions that you would like us to follow, similar to how the scout thread posts worked?
Do we need to specifically name the Support Team members when declaring their actions, or just use numbers?Spoiler for example: Attack Other: ZanzarinoAttack Underworld: kev60614orAttack Other: 1Attack Underworld: 1
7.2. SUPPORT TEAM ACTIONSBefore the end of each round (during Team battles) the Lieutenant will submit one action (either Defend or Attack Team X) for each Support Team member during the next round.If you attack a Team that has at least one person defending their supply lines, you do battle. If you win you take a relic from that team. If you lose nothing happens.If you attack a Team that has no defenders your attack is successful and you take a Relic.If Lieutenant doesn't submit actions by the deadline the default action for each player is to Defend.If the number of players attacking a team is greater than the number of relics, the attacking teams with the most relics instead become defenders of their own supply lines.If there is a tie among teams with the greatest number of relics, that tie is broken by the number of cards in their respective vaults. Spoiler for For example: , , and are all attacking who has two relics. and each have three relics, and has two. has 258 cards in their vault, has 240 in theirs, and has 270 in theirs. The two attackers in this case would be and , with 's attacker set to defend ( has the lowest number of relics so they get to attack, and has fewer cards in their vault than does, so also gets to stay on the attack).
Lieutenant is second in command. The General may not assign this role to himself. Lieutenants act as liaison for the Support Team, submitting actions to the Warmasters. A Scout may post the name of two cards before the deckbuilding deadline each round. If the Scout wins the battle, s/he learns the number of said cards that were in his/her opponent’s vault at the beginning of the round. The posts may should state the round number and cards being scouted only. Only the Scout may make this post.