So I would have liked to play my match after Fire (because that gives a strategic advantage), so I scheduled my match for 4 hours before the deadline as that was the latest I could play. Fire counter: They schedule their match for 5 hours after the deadline! Genius!
Strategic advantage ? Sweet spot is not a strategy but a tactic if you want to put it very politely. And cheap & lowly one at that. It uses the rules out of context to create situations that contradicts with common-sense.
Judging by your behaviours, I think you went for salvage ?
So here is what happened boss-man; you went greedy and was so sure that fire would win vs us (i was confident i would win vs their grabbow) and now you have a ghostall, the thing you wanted. You wouldn't think of salvaging if you were unsure of the outcome of our match with fire.
mrpaper's extension demand has been granted without asking you and deuce which you have right to rant about. But as for your tactic, you just predicted wrong.
And if it is so that people can declare no-salvage AFTER duel-phase start, then it is just a terrible rule which you guys wanted to abuse.