Well, huh. Is it premature to post here? I guess I'll be the first of the Final Round then.
Not much I personally would've changed, I guess. Don't remember a lot of the details, plus my first War so not a lot of comparison. Regardless, this is the farthest (in terms of number of Rounds) that Team

has ever made it, so I'm satisfied. Plus, like 10 men said, we proved that while RT may still be Gravity's worst enemy, we have a dozen ways to get around it.
Former Lt. of Team Life.
I do not like seeing my team, or any team, die by inactivity. Every sword should fight to the bitter end. Those who don't could be deemed more worthless than those slain.
I completely agree. In terms of advice to give, I have only this: even if you're just a member, don't be afraid to step up. If I had to pick one thing our team did right this War, it would have to be that it was a team effort from beginning to end. We never let absences or MIA's get us down, and each Round at least one of us stepped up to do more than our role required. There was a sense of cohesion and genuine willingness to do our part, and we never let drama get in the way. It may have been this particular team, but I think it's possible for every team to work just as well.
So yeah, don't complain or lose morale if things start going wrong. And don't be defined by your member role. You might be #8 on the team list but that doesn't mean you have to act like it.