Question is: do you have to add the swords to a complete valid deck. Or do you need a valid deck AFTER the swords.
A deck of 15 in-element cards, 5 short swords, and 10 off-element cards is legal. Taking -1 in-element card and +1 either short sword or off-element card makes the deck illegal. If you have any other questions feel free to ask.
Question : for docs :
Do we put the shields as event bonuses? Or leave error messages on?
Great question, and pay attention because this is super important and kind of complex:
During sdcp/deckbuilding that is currently going on,
add the Short Swords/Shields in the "Events (+)" space of the sdcp tab. Next round they will be removed using the "Events (-)" space, but I will not include these cards as in vault when seeding for next round. The opening post says these cards are "
not added to the vault", but they need to appear there temporarily or all deck codes will be errorific.
If you have any questions on the process, post here, find me in chat, or PM me.