I guess this is where i should put this. For war betting only 13 of the people who have started the betting process, have actually submitted every round. I think this is kinda of significant in that it shows the process might be a little bit too difficult. Not that it is hard, but the most of the time people are more focused on war activities themselves, and the time to meaningfully go through 30-50 matchups just isn't there.
What if instead of each individual matchup, we bet on how each team does per round. So like a mix of the old betting system and the new betting system. I think this would cause a much greater participation rate then the current one.
That's a pretty good idea actually.
I simply stopped betting because one round, the system didn't register my vote. I fell behind.
Next time, I will take screen-shots every round just in case.
I have never seen Google Docs simply not register a form submission, and I've used it a lot. A more likely explanation for your situation is user error, like you closing the window before the page fully loads and you get the confirmation page (has happened before). I will pay $1000 to anyone who gets the confirmation page but their submission somehow disappears. It just doesn't happen.
I must say one opinion (feel free to ignore) :
War plan should exist before war. What card to use at which round. Basicly, imo, the idea should be : each round, the warmaster's only jobs would be to : check vaults, give penalties, randomize battles, post thread. (eventually settle disputes if any). Nothing more.
From participants perspective, it should not matter when Event Cards are made. Whether it was done 1 year ago or 1 minute ago, you as a participant will see it when the round topic gets posted, and not a moment before that. I would understand making everything 100% ready if we had a bias like "team X is not doing well so we'll make an Event Card to help them", but that's not how we do it. We mainly tweak the numbers to make sure that War ends during round 10.
I think this is something many people do not understand. War 4 has 10 rounds so it
must end during round 10. If we do not do things like nerf salvaging, we might be in a situation where only option to end War during round 10 would be to just ignore the Vault numbers and give the win to the team who wins a battle. That would lead to more whining then we have ever seen on these forums. The fact that we do not have a crystal ball and do not know in advance how Vault numbers develop, means it's pretty much impossible to make all the cards 100% ready, and I don't see a reason why we should have them 100% ready.
In War 3 we had all the cards before the event started and it was a total nightmare. The event dragged on and on, and we even had a round where we had to cancel the Event Card because it would have done some serious damage. For War 4 we had a general plan on which type of Event Cards are used during each round. So far this method has worked much better because it's much more flexible.