Disclaimer: I have never participated in War. This is the only War I have been around for and I have not researched previous Wars. As such, I am far from a fountain of knowledge about War. For example, until earlier today, I thought that Salvage/Discard was decided randomly (found out otherwise thanks having a little look at one of the War Archives). That being said, I hope that my feedback is in some way useful. I kept a fairly good eye on War #4, checking out most battle results, and finishing fifth in War betting (not that that really counts for much). What's more, my opinion will probably less biased than most, being an outsider, and not particularly favouring any specific team (Despite the fact that entropy is my favourite element, I didn't really care if they won or not, I just found the whole event good to watch).
Event cards:
Round 1 - Scouting: A nice idea, and worked with the theme of War, but probably started War a little too slowly. Starting with 4 matches per team and reduced discard may have worked better.
Round 2 - General's Orders: A great event card. Mixes things up, perhaps allows a newer player an "easy" match to start with. This has the four features I believe all event cards should have:
1. An addition to the metagame.
2. The opportunity to gain a moderate advantage through exploiting the event. Without large amounts of luck it won't significantly change the outcome of the round, but if a team puts it all together just right they could gain an advantage with an extra win or two.
3. A solid risk/reward ratio. At worst you might lose one or two extra matches. At best you might win one or two extra matches.
4. Affects all teams equally, or in a fair manner.
Round 3 - Rush/Stall: A great idea, but it doesn't take a genius to point out that no team chose Stall. It simply needed to be balanced better. Has all four of General's Orders features.
Round 4 - Reinforcements: I have very little idea of what effect this had on War, not enough to comment on it.
Round 5 - Prisoner's Dilemma: There were 34 honours and 36 betrayals, so people obviously disagreed about which card they'd be better off with, which is exactly what you want. What's more, the event was designed so that choosing what your opponent did not gave you both the greatest salvage and smallest discard, but being the betrayer in the betray/honor combo was significantly better. Has all four of General's Orders features.
Round 6 - Tortoise Formation/Enchanted Sword: A very well done card. For the cost of taking fairly weak cards, one can add extra upgrades to their decks. Very few decks normally contain those cards. Has all four of General's Orders features. The fact the two cards are almost identical doesn't matter, because it managed to add a little flavour and choice in regards to what might be "dead" cards. Has all four of General's Orders features.
Round 7 - Secret Negotiations: I would argue that this is an excellent event card. Whilst it definitely does not affect all teams equally, there was not enough of an advantage to be gained for it to become a significant point. Entropy, Earth and Time had 8, 7 and 6 players left respectively, so each of them would be a valid target for everyone else ganging up (assuming enough people could be convinced to call it that), significantly diluting any affects that might have. It was also obvious that teams that were struggling would try to get out of their match in any way possible. Whilst this leaves those who were facing lone generals an unknown opponent, they do know that they'll be better off taking a more general deck instead of a counter. Has all four of General's Orders features.
Round 8 - United We Stand!/Marked For Glory/Victory to the Pure: Marked For Glory and Victory to the Pure are well thought out cards. They may not be entirely balanced, as seen by the fact that no one took Marked For Glory, but their strength here works with the slow ramping up of the effect of event cards. That and DrunkDestroyer's fully upped mono-air was a thing of utter beauty in War. They definitely have three of Genera's Orders features, with the only question being are all teams treated fairly. Teams with fewer players are far more likely to take Victory to the Pure, however that's where Marked For Glory should have come into play, giving teams with more players much more flexibility. The two cards seem to treat all teams fairly, at least as far as I can tell.
However, if the general consensus is right, United We Stand had far too great an impact on the remainder of War. I would say this is primarily because a team with a small vault will be able to convert a much larger percentage of their vault than other teams. This means that teams with only two or three decks suddenly have 50% or 33% more playable decks, as opposed to teams with a larger vault, which might simply have and extra 20% or 16%. One surprise deck won't have that much effect when you're already fairly flexible, but it could make a world of difference for a team struggling to get by. The event card only has two of Genera's Orders four features. The advantage to be gained was too large, with big echos in the last two rounds if pulled off well, and it favoured smaller teams significantly more than larger teams. It did add to the metagame and had a good risk/reward ratio, however.
Round 9 - Total War: The 36 discard/0 salvage was too harsh. Discarding a full deck plus extras is too large a penalty to try to fit war into 10 rounds. On the other hand, the option to having spare cards that you can swap out between matches worked very well, the best example being dragonsdemesne spontaneously using Pharaohs to try to counter RoL/Hope (
Round 10 - I don't believe ending War in a tournament is a bad idea, but I do believe it was forced too early. Light probably would've won if it didn't have to split its vault, and round 9's larger discard was designed to try to reduce the impact of a winner-takes-all tournament, but the impact was still too large.
Problems with War #4:1. War was forced to last exactly 10 rounds.
2. Some event cards had too great an impact on War.
3. Underworld's deck restrictions seem to have led them to be too vulnerable to Black Hole and Earthquake. In their first round (round 4, when other teams were given additional cards), five of their eight opponents had either BHs or EQs. They lost to all three BH decks, and lost to one of the two EQ decks. I'm not sure how well UW has gone in previous wars (I might be biased here, I'm more or less expecting to be a part of the UW tournament next War). Additionally, rainbow decks often have four, five or six of card X simply as their focus, which stops all these from ever appearing.
4. Losses in rounds 9 and 10 were
vastly more costly than any other round. Whilst this makes sense (losing 30 cards when you have 60 remaining is a loss of 50% of your vault, as opposed to losing 30 when you have 300 remaining), it was amplified to a jarring extent by the round 9 event card.
5. Not losing is far more important than winning.
Proposed Solutions1. Be flexible. Aim for 10 rounds, but let it last a little longer if it needs to. A tournament might be the way to go to finish off the last four or five teams, but wait a little longer before using it.
2. See feedback on event cards.
3. I have two solutions, but I believe they would work better individually:
a) Reduce the restriction to allow 4 or 5 copies of one card, but this almost makes it redundant in the first place.
b) Remove the restriction. Underworld decks must now be able to produce and use at least N (e.g. 3) types of quanta (to allow for the odd and unexpected non-rainbow), and decks must be less than 50% mono.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
58t 58t 58t 58t 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5f9 5f9 5f9 5f9 5f9 5f9 5fa 5fa 5fa 5fa 5fa 5fa 5fc 5fc 5l9 5l9 5l9 5l9 5l9 5l9 8po
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5f9 5f9 5f9 5f9 5f9 5f9 5fa 5fa 5fa 5fa 5fa 5fa 5fc 5fc 5fc 5l9 5l9 5l9 5l9 5l9 5l9 5ur 8po
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5f9 5f9 5f9 5f9 5f9 5f9 5fa 5fa 5fa 5fa 5fa 5fa 5fc 5fc 5l9 5l9 5l9 5l9 5l9 5l9 5ur 8po
On the other hand the whole Underworld thing mightn't be a problem at all.
4 and 5. Again, I have two different solutions. These might work well in conjunction with each other.
a)Whilst leaving some event cards to adjust it (such as this War's Prisoner's Dilemma), have the base discard rate increase as vault size decreases.
0-29 cards | Team is eliminated |
30-65 cards | Discard 30 cards |
66-98 cards | Discard 28 cards |
99-131 cards | Discard 26 cards |
132-164 cards | Discard 24 cards |
165-197 cards | Discard 22 cards |
198-230 cards | Discard 20 cards |
231-263 cards | Discard 18 cards |
264+ cards | Discard 16 cards |
Although war still retains the "not losing is more important than winning" factor, a team with a large vault late in war will still retain a lot of its advantage after a bad round. This all around increases the margin of error early on, but might lengthen the start of war a little bit (subject to how all the discards are sorted out).
b) This is going to sound a little crazy, but force winners to discard a small number of cards all throughout War. This reduces the penalty of losing a match, because one way or another you're going to have to discard something. This might also significantly reduce the penalty of large discards.
For the sake of argument, suppose you were building the vault for team
. You might decide that you want one Ghostmare (22
cards/6 nightmares/2 steals), but instead of having six nightmares in the vault, you decide to have ten. As your ghostmare wins you can choose to discard the nightmares and start using your spare ones. If your Ghostmare loses with a discard of 24, you might discard 20
cards, four nightmares and still have access to exactly the same deck (assuming you have enough time cards).
The problems with this idea is that it reduces the rewards from winning, which is never fun, and you might see an increase in the number of suicides if the team doesn't bring enough spares for a deck.
Edit: Tidied it up slightly.
Edit 2: Added last sentence of the disclaimer.