My "Thank You"s:
Thank you to my team, Team

. You guys all took me in and made me feel like a valuable member of the team, no easy task considering I went 0-for-War in my matches. Not only that, but you were all more than understanding in what was an incredibly difficult time in my life. It was absolutely amazing working with each and every one of you. I definitely do not consider my tutelage in

complete, but where before I was a neophyte in the ways of darkness, now I am an apprentice.
Thank you to the Warmasters, Kael Hate and ddevans96. Yours is a thankless job, but without you we could not have this amazing (if draining) event. You both deserve an immense amount of credit for hosting a truly epic War.
Thank you to each and every War participant. There are specific people I could thank, but I know that I would leave someone out and that would be unfair. You have all made this a truly memorable experience for me and while it was many long hours and hard work, it was also a great deal of fun. I loved the deck creativity that I saw from each team and some of you made some truly memorable (I'm looking at you,

!) decks.
Now, for anyone who wants to join the next War, I have a word of caution for you: While the powers that be will are doing everything they can to make War a less tedious event, luck truly favors the prepared and I can't imagine a scenario where there will not be a good deal of "work" involved with this event. Learn everything you can from the past Wars, even though the rules have changed. You can always learn something you may not have known before, whether that be tendencies a master has, flaws that a certain deck may have, or simply a different way to look at a situation, it is simply impossible to know too much about the event. Which brings me to my next point:
Know the rules. Don't think you understand them, don't assume someone else does, don't gloss over them. As anyone on a team that was penalized can tell you, they wish they had been more diligent and understood the rules better. There is not a single person on a team who is not absolutely vital to the success of the team, so knowing the rules inside and out will do nothing but prepare you for victory. Also, almost as important as knowing the rules is to communicate with your team. Good communication will help tremendously as the event goes along, as people will have real life to deal with in addition to what is a taxing War. Again, everything I've seen/heard from teams that were heavily penalized was that it was due at least in part to a lack of communication or an assumption that someone else was taking care of something.
As to participating in the event itself, there is something that Higurashi mentioned in chat one day that rung true with me, and it bore out through the course of this War (and I will assume prior Wars as well, considering what I have read/heard about them), "Predictability is death." All you have to do is look at the brilliance of some (,24222.0.html) of the decks (,25579.0.html) to see that it is not always taking the power decks that wins, but rather taking the deck that the other team is not prepared for that wins. And finally, please remember that while this event is the pinnacle of this great game, it is still a
game and should be fun. If you're not having fun on at least some level, then you really should reevaluate why you are in the War to begin with.
I hope this wall of text helps those of you who have not participated in War before to have realistic expectations should you make a team for the next War and you are able to enjoy the event as much as possible.
And once again, my thanks to one and all who made this great event as memorable as it was.