Ok, I gathered enough wits to post here.
As a complete (war) newcomer I literally had no idea how things really go in the event, though, I had the chance to keep track of War #2 from the "front seat" through my brother. It seemed fun, exciting, and even rewarding of some sort. When time has came to post the applications I was real hesitant to do it, as I realized I had no clue how things like vault managing, etc. are done, but thanks to Shantu's persuading I eventually done it. Despite the uneventful auction (from my point of view), in the last few days I finally got a 1 card bid; in addition, from the favorite element of mine. I was happy and full of hope, but I still didn't know what is ahead of me.
It quickly became clear to me that War is more of a work than fun, as if your aim is to actually win the event, you need a great amount of dedication/time to bring that work to fruition. I think our position as the all-time loser team of war made things even more hard, because I believe my own team did not expect that we could ever make it..
All in all: I could blame my team for inactivity, or Kael for penalizing the team to the ground; but I feel I can blame no other but myself really, because the opportunity was there (and it is there for every team member) to do the double check, and to correct any possible errors that may come up - and not to wait for someone else to do it. This War was a painful learning curve for me, as I had really high hopes for the outcome, and even more work left in it; but at least I think I achieved my goal somewhat, to prove - if even for a brief moment - that the element Water is way more than it's public opinion, and it also has the strengths and potential to overcome other elements in an event like this.
I'll be more prepared next time.