Alliances?Make it with more strategy in a real world, like an Alliance system, where you can declare an alliance. Alliances should be public. and of course may be broken off at any moment. (backstab!

)Additionally, there should be like trading between alliances, each deckbuilding phase, in one alliance (if you have 2 or 3 you can do that with them too). you may trade 3 cards for every person you have dueling, (2 people, 6 cards; 3 people; 9 cards, etc.)
Finally, alliances should be able to "assist." If I assist another alliance I discard an X amount of cards. X/3 or X/2 is the number of upped cards ONE single person may use in a round. This could lead to more inter-element PMs and strategy. E.g. Entropy discards 9 cards to let a member of Fire use 3 minor phoenixes, while Fire offers to discard 9 cards to let Entropy use 3 Chaos Powers.
Downside of alliances, you still have to battle each other. Maybe no salvage if you defeat an alliance element. Also, maybe a general sabotage option to any element
Sabotage: Discard X cards, and force the opposing element to convert 2X cards into something else. (should be done late game)
If this whole alliance/trading thing is too complicated, then you should have 1-2 alliances maximum at a time, and you will not battle anyone from that element. (obviously if there are impossible situations, like when the number of elements are dwindling, we can remove the alliance method)
I want to make this war a bit more strategy-oriented.
I think the assisting can be done without too many headaches, the two team masters (who are assisting) can just PM each other until they reach an agreement, and the PM the warmaster, who will allow the assist when the oversee the decks. They should be noted, like


or something in the battle thread and in the secret deck thread.
Experience SystemRewarding people who perform well. I don't want this to be super complicated, but if someone wants to make a good clear system, feel free to.
+6: You are eliminated from fighting (seriously)
+4-5: You must discard 4 extra cards after a loss
+2-3 losses versus wins: You must discard 2 extra cards after a loss.
Equal wins losses/+1 losses versus wins or +1 wins versus losses: Nothing. Just regular
+2-3 wins versus losses: You salvage 2 more cards
+4-5: You salvage 4 more cards.
+6-7: You are upgraded to lieutenant status, 3 upped cards.
+7-8 (anyone who gets here is GOOD): You are upgraded to master status, 6 upped cards
+9-10 (anyone here is Antagon): I dunno, forum icon?
The Library/Black Market/GraveyardLibrary: Every turn the library visits 3 elements.
When the library comes, simply swap any cards you don't want for cards you want. Some cap here or penalty here, like must discard 6 cards for every 30 you swap.
Black Market: IDK, maybe some system of trading with a loss of course (for desperate teams)
Graveyard: You get to see all the discards from last round, and take 1/2 discarding number (like round 1 it's 6, round 2 it's 12, round 3 is 18, you know) of cards NOT in your element.