I believe that in the current War structure, member roles are pretty limited. The Salvager, the Deckbuilder, the Strategist, etc are really just titles that imply starting a thread, but at the end of the day most people have 2 or 3 active players that lead most decision making, supported by other members.
I suggest a complete revamp of roles and of rounds to include one new idea that I think has fantastic potential to add a great new element to War, while simultaneously solving some known issues.
New Roles Structure:1. General
The general leads the team, naturally. He is given moderator privileges in the forum subsection. He gets 6 upped cards in his own battle.2. Fighter
The fighter is the only player besides the general who can substitute for a missing member and still salvage 3 cards. He gets 3 upped cards in his own battle.3. Scribe
The scribe is given moderator privileges in the forum subsection and is in charge of all thread updates. He must keep the vault updated, the decks ready on time, and the salvage thread up on time. This is an extremely important job, but it makes the most sense for one person to do it instead of spreading the responsibilities to several people. Having two Scribes per team might make sense also (I prefer one but some others might like to spread the responsibility a bit).4. Merchant
The merchant is the team representative in the Trading Thread each round. I will explain this in the Trading section below. This is also an important role that requires a totally new set of skills. Someone has to be clever at making deals, handling other teams, and being extremely active. This will add a lot of interaction, strategy and enjoyment to War.5-7. Soldiers
Soldiers have no specific role. It is very important to have a few positions like this on the team because some players would really rather just fight in battles and not be responsible for all kinds of posting or constant online presence. On an active team, of course soldiers can also be very active if they choose. And that only helps the team!8. Rookie
The rookie is a rookie. That will be determined by eligibility rules. Personally I like the concept suggested on the first page of this thread that rookies should be people who have not yet competed in PvP tourneys.
New Rounds Structure:(prewar) Member Auction, Propaganda, Vault Initialization as normal.
Every round of War lasts exactly 1 week.
1. Round-1 Deckbuilding: 3 Days
2. Round-1 Battles: 3 Days
Round-1 Trading: 1 Day
4. Round-2 Deckbuilding: 3 Days
5. etc.
Trading PhaseFor exactly 1 day -- preferably a weekend day -- there will be a Trading Phase. During this phase, a public thread will be started called Round-X Trading. The only people able to post to this thread will be the team Merchant, or another designated player if the Merchant is unavailable.
Threads started in this phase by the Merchant will be "offer" threads. They will work like this: The title of the thread will be an "offer" of cards. Any number of cards, up to 6, can be offered per thread, and teams can only have 3 offers up at a time. The thread title might be:
Entropy Offer: 2 Discords, 4 Stone Pillars
Then every other team can make a counter offer to trade for those cards. A response post might be:

4 Devourers, 4 Black Dragons, 2 Darkness Pendulums, 2 WingsThe counter offers can contain any amount of cards -- however: if a team bids more than once in a thread, every bid that team makes beyond the first must offer more total cards than previous bids. So if a team makes an offer of 8 cards, it can only bid in that thread again with an offer of at least 9 cards. The cards do not have to be the same. The reason for this rule is to prevent offer spamming in the thread, and to make teams think hard about what they offer. As soon as the offering team ACCEPTS, there is no going back, and the trade is made.
Having only the Merchants able to participate does two very nice things: First of all it creates a new role in War that's actually really important, and which uses different skills from other roles. Second, it makes the team's communication between members even more important. This is a community event and emphasizing communication is a really good thing. It will bring the team closer together!
At any point, the offering team can accept any bid by typing "ACCEPTED: " and the accepted bid.
At the end of the Trading Round, those two teams have the cards from the trade exchanged in their vaults.
Trading Rounds happen BEFORE Deckbuilding. This means that salvage is actually flexible, so teams can offer a trade based on what they can salvage without having those cards in their Vault. However, teams should be careful because if a trade gets approved and they don't have the cards in their Vault, they receive a penalty.
Notes on Trading Round:This will bring a whole new dynamic to War. The ability to make smart deals, to be a clever bidder, and to be active on the forums all become advantages, and they will be unique to War. For once there will also be trading in Elements, something which many people would like to see. New players with new skill sets will become valuable to the team, and teams will be able to strategize by making smart counter-offers to help their vaults.
This could be an amazingly fun new addition to War.
New Conversion Rules:I believe that conversion per round should still
only be 12 cards per team into pillars. This is extremely important to retain vault strategy. Making it easy to convert takes away the importance of good vault planning, and makes it less of an advantage for teams to have good strategists.
However, especially with the new trading system there should be a new rule:
Unlimited pillar/pendulum Conversion.This new rule would allow a team to convert an unlimited number of pillars and pendulums of other elements into their own type. They couldn't convert into the other 11 types of pillars (they would have to salvage pillars from another Element to get those, or trade for them) but they could now use salvage of another team's pillars for conversion.
Team Underworld should have a nice little advantage here: Unlimited pillar/pendulum conversion from any type to any type. It's one of the few advantages they really would have over other teams, and it's one they logically should have. It also gives them a unique offering position in the Trading Rounds, because they can offer any type of pillars to other teams they want (or trade for any type and convert as they see fit).
This will change the way salvaging works; suddenly it will be useful for teams in later rounds to salvage more pillars and pendulums for conversion, and there will even be added interest in trading for pillars in the Trading phase. "Giving up" some salvage for pillar salvage is something that would make a nice new strategic dynamic in the game, and alleviate some of the frustration and hopefully prevent too many late-game sacrifices as teams start running out of quanta sources.
Return of Event Cards:This needs to happen but I will hold off and make suggestions in a different post in order not to flood people with ideas.