Alright... so seeing there's 13 teams, I actually hope that one team doesn't have to end up going against more than 4Lt/general in a single round... us death actually got it pretty bad this round with 5 generals and 3 Lts and being at round 6, each lost means a discarded deck.
So I've been thinking about it, since there's essentially 13 elements, meaning 13 generals and 13 Lts in total and a maximum of 9 matches per element each round, we give Generals,Lts and other players a different number of points and each round, a team's matches cannot exceed a certain number of points, else there must be a reseed.
For example, I'm thinking that generals would be 2 points, Lts 1 points, other players 0 points then this makes total points sum up to 39 assuming the amount of teams are kept at 13.Since there's only 13 teams, having a maximum point of 3 would require a lot of reseeding so I'm thinking it would be best to have maximum point an element's match should have would be ideally 4 or 5.
This means that in a worst case scenario, one element will only play up to either 4 or 5 Lts or if we're talking generals, a maximum of 2 generals or 2 generals + 1 Lts.