Doesn't a Swiss style remove all/most randomness from the system however, or is it based off of individual player records? If so, then wouldn't a team's status be only marginally responsible for a player's success, at least in the earlier rounds? Glitch lost a number of rounds until he finally won one, but that doesn't mean as much when we view the event as a team based event and not necessarily player score based.
It can remove randomness.
Currently Strength is based on team Vault Score not individual player score.
Currently the teams choose the order of their players using the Member Roles topic.
Currently Teams will never play the same team more than once in a round
Currently a bye is issued to the weakest team if there are an odd number of duels
Currently the play count is based on the 36 rule as listed by SG for next war
Any of these can change as required. Players within a team can easily be randomised if required, but said randomisation will cause indirect repetative conflict. I would add ruling that markers are set for the matchups and when deckbuilding has been declared, the player for that marker be declared at the same time. Thus the warmaster need not track any players at all and allows the team the ability to commit the generals upped card advantage to the duel of their choice.
Two things I need to know to proceed.
1. When a team has more players to duel than the number of other teams, will that team get byes on those extra duels or be matched with a duplicate opponent? IE If entropy has 500cards and has to play 9 plays, but 6 teams have already been eliminated. How many games does entropy play? the number of other teams 5? or 9 playing the same teams multiple times.
2. When a team has more duels to play than total number of all opponents players, how many play? Ie entropy is 9 players, and the remaing other teams Life Death Fire total only 7 players. What happens to the 2/6 extra players? do they double duel wining opponents or just get byes?
For both questions I think byes are best but what do you think?