Completely unbiased predictions:1 droganavs Zblader2 Mithcairionvs BatCountry3 icecoldbrovs edunavas4 Lava Golemvs willng35 Kakerlakevs UTAlan6 SteppingStone81vs Acsabi447 ji412jovs 10 men8 hrmmmvs Falcon44159 Zeruvs PlayerOa10 ak65alavs Shantu11 crimsonflippavs EvaRia12 YoungSotvs Jappert13 xn0izevs majofa14 Spielkindvs The dictator15 kirchj33vs vinvick371416 promwarmvs EngPhys17 wizelsnarfvs SpikeSpiegel18 jippy99vs $$$man19 Thenewguyvs xdude20 killsdazombiesvs Bootsza21 wavedashvs Onizuka22 Higurashivs einherjar14523 truddy02vs SnoWeb24 suxerzvs Malebolgia25 Noobiecakesvs catalyzeme26 Azumivs TStar27 pikachufan2164vs kevkev60614 28 TheIdioticIdiotvs Amilir29 RootRangervs Marvaddin30 deuce22vs 3D House of Beef31 Legitvs Jen-i32 jmdtvs valuka33 Jaymanfuvs MrBlonde34 nilsieboyvs BluePriest35 Devillossvs Kamietsu36 aznkid66vs Isei37 Gl1tchvs Malignant38 girlsgenerationvs Dogg39 DSSCRAvs gavsword40 Hisarvs kitty4541 Boingovs Napalm Grenade42 Svenningenvs Terroking43 tikotribevs omegareaper744 QuantumTvs Wizardcat45 TimerClock14vs mrpaper46 coinichvs The Mormegil47 TheonlyrealBeefvs RavingRabbid48 vagman13vs Daxx
I like how nobody gives a s**t for team life. Guys, time to prove everybody wrong. No pressure though.
Quote from: Falcon4415 on April 07, 2011, 05:10:00 pmI like how nobody gives a s**t for team life. Guys, time to prove everybody wrong. No pressure though.Not sure if I like it, but then people will get punched in the face when seeing life goes 8-0.And that is fun
RavingRabbid doesn't know what he's talking about, that's why he's a master of the noob element.
I'm sad at all the xdude > TNG outcomes.Now, all of you will be sad when I come out on top in that fight. Root for more gravity, you know we'll do better than last war.