1. Add a rule to the propaganda part about what content is and is not appropriate. It is not clear cut so it needs to be spelled out. For example are the songs allowed to use lyrics that are sexual, reference drugs or include any swearing at all? That needs to be clearly stated. Same for the banner. The speech is a little more obvious but still.
2. Not a fan of the current auction system. It definitely needs to be revisited. See the auction commentary thread for a discussion by many people with ideas on how to improve the system.
3. It has already been discussed, but allowing more participation in the event even if it is not directly related to the battles. For example, having a support team which does some other non battle roles. I for example have many 1 bid players that will not get a chance to play but I like them all. I wish I could include them in some way or give them some task to fulfill on behalf of team Life.
4. I think the overtime system has been fine. 1 day is perfect. If you want to make it more fair for generals spread out in different time zones, shorten the overtime periods to 20 hours so that each day the deadline time rotates. I was heavily favored as all OTs end at midnight in USA east coast where I live. Someone in Italy might be asleep at that time which is a touch unfair. 1 day seems perfect for me though.
5. Despite my difference of opinion on some subjects with you Kael Hate, having you as a warmaster is really beneficial. You are very organized and it is nice to have someone in charge we can depend on. I hope that future wars include a dedicated war master, preferably two.
That is it for now.