It appears that everyone only looks at their own element prices and just assumes they're way worse than anyone else's. And apparently complaining leads to changes, so I'm going just going to point out that

has the fewest cards that give positive modifiers. This is important because even if all our cards are stronger in general, all the other elements have multiple in-element options for boosting upgrade count.
Let's take a look at how many positive modifiers each element gets, keeping in mind that positive modifiers from upped cards are more valuable especially when they only drop by 0.5 from the unupped version (for example, rustler goes from +2 to +1.5 when you use it upped, which essentially means you're getting a free half of an upgrade since it doesn't drop from +2 to +1).
Element | Positive Unupped | Positive Upped |
 | 7 | 4 |
 | 11 | 6 |
 | 8 | 3 |
 | 8 | 2 |
 | 3 | 1 |
 | 10 | 4 |
 | 6 | 3 |
 | 9 | 3 |
It should be evident, but one element really sticks out here. I realize that these numbers alone are useless because they're attached to cards with different levels of power, but the point is, every element has options if they want to get upgrades, but

has no flexibility from in-element positive modifiers.
I'm fine and this isn't an issue for me, but it is an issue when every one else complains about their element and then receives buffs when in actuality they have plenty of ways to get upgrades to compensate.@WMs I will admit I'm hesistant about this system being better than old market, but I'm fine to try new things. However, if you're going to listen to feedback and make changes to the market, make sure they're warranted changes and not just one element fishing for buffs when they're actually balanced quite fine.EDIT: I forgot to mention that you might look at this and think, well fire have stronger decks overall than some elements so it makes sense that their decks will have less upgrades. Well actually, if you look at all the past wars, every element had access to the same number of upgrades.

may have had more expensive cards in the market, but once we had those cards in our vault we could upgrade our strongest decks just as much as any other team. That's no longer the case. Obviously, everyone had their strongest decks nerfed, but every element has more options for getting upgrades back through other cards than fire.