First I'd like to thank that you are cooler than an average decision maker. And you are right, I was repeating myself.
At the same time it pains me very much that I seem to understand the situation (how it works on a psychological level)
and saw so many times similar incidents.
And yes, I haven't added any new arguments with that post. Earlier, JCJ & I provided a whole list of arguments, and
there were no reactions to those from the WMs. It was frustrating.
You know guys when I sit down playing a game I'm doing that to relax, to not focus on the issues of life. Most of those
are created by human behavior. You have no idea how painful is it to face again and again the same stuff, when your brain
has a strong, idealistic part. With my attitude I would be in a prison if I happened to born Chinese, for sure.
I can't stand autocracy. Even when I don't say anything in a real life situation it can be seen in my eyes.
Thank you for your understanding and patience.