Added max -0.5 modifier change for the selected cards (so multiple votes have no effect). Timer for choice extended for 6 hours.
It is still f**king awful.
You BUILD YOUR VAULT with the costs of the cards.
Changing it for ONE ROUND makes it an event card, you have to play around with your deck choices, do you go for the counter knowing you are disadvantaged?
Changing it for the rest of war is HORRIFICALLY unbalanced, because you will have massive sections of your vault unplayable.
This is still a terrible fix, it HAS TO BE FOR ONE ROUND ONLY.
This is simple game mechanics, you know your limitations before a game / tournament / fight starts. You give TWO WEEKS for vault building where every card is scrutinised. This EC lasting the whole of war, even at -0.5 max is just a terrible, terrible game mechanic.
I genuinely can't understand how this needs to be argued about at all, you are literally changing all of the deck building and all of the vault building, IMMEDIATELY after spending weeks planning it, it does not make sense at all.
Why even bother?
"this deck works, just about, with these niche cards that allow it to function, counterbalancing the cost of the expensive key card!"
"let's make that card cost 0.5 more for the rest of war"
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I have half a vault of cards which work with NOTHING ELSE and I can no longer use them with the deck I included them for!!"
I am practically AFK this war, as my team will testify, but I can't allow this insanity to pollute the whole of war - YOU CAN'T have a whole vault building phase to then change how decks can be constructed FOR THE REST OF WAR. One round is fine, but a whole war is LITERALLY INSANE.
Go back through all of the previous awful ECs, where I was fully active, where I was a general, you will not find one that I am as appalled about as I am this one.