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War #12 - Voices of the Fallen (Semi-Permalink)
« on: February 06, 2019, 07:05:02 pm »

Spoiler for Hidden:
Time to explain and complain over your inhumane pain and your insane brain.

War #12 - Voices of the Fallen

This topic is for teams to discuss why they lost and educate people in future wars so they don't make similar mistakes. It is also for people still in war and people outside of war to console fallen teams.

Offline MasterWalks

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Re: War #12 - Voices of the Fallen (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2019, 07:15:02 pm »
Why  :gravity lost in order of mistakes

1) Max bid on a vet who was busy with irl stuff.

2) Spread decks out across multiple platforms but dont update each deck in every platform with upgrades. Someone who doesnt pay attention grabs a deck that was not updated with upgrades.

3)Play the best decks we have in R1, and dont test them thoroughly enough, so they lose and we lose key cards.

4)Vet finally finishes irl stuff, noobs still dont console him with deck building process because "we got it handled"

5)R2 we start actually testing decks better and building strats. We still suck so we still lose.

6)R3 see R2

7) R4: Screw it, we gonna lose so lets go out in style, Meme decks! Give the vet a real deck to use so we dont make him look like a dumbass too.

8) ded

On a more serious note, I had a ton of fun in this War. I think i learned more about deckbuilding and counters than any other event played. Losing can be fun too and thats exactly what we did, we were never down or upset with losses, we just rolled with it and tried to go out with a bang.
InsignificantWeeaboo did a great job gen-ing. I nor DubC were able to help him much for vaultbuilding or deckbuilding for R1 and before. He did the whole vault completely solo. It was very impressive for a first time gen.
DoubleCapitials got the short end of the stick. I dont think he really wanted to be on team  :gravity in the first place, then realizing it was a max bid and that he is also our only player who has participated in War before, was probably pretty weighty. I know you feel bad that you werent able to help much but tbh I dont think insig or myself woulda had as much fun or learned as much if you were barking orders and advice (no offense meant).
I've never viewed this as a game i want to be super good at. Its a game that help my work day go by very fast. ofc i got in with the community and it became a bit more than a game, but still not a game i care a ton about winning in, i care about having fun. And thats exactly what i did.
Either way, we enjoyed War #12 a lot and i cant wait to beat all of you way harder then you guys beat us.

Spoiler for best element in the game:
« Last Edit: February 06, 2019, 11:15:15 pm by MasterWalks »
:gravity War 12
:darkness War 13
:fire War 14
Credit to Wyand for Profile Picture

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Re: War #12 - Voices of the Fallen (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2019, 07:17:41 pm »
Most of the things that went wrong were mainly my fault. The biggest example of this was having too little blind bids, effectively making Gravity's Vault the 2nd smallest in War 12. Another big example in the early round (for us) was deciding to add too little pillars to the decks I built (almost all of them). Some other minor examples were a couple of misplays here and there on my part, and underestimating some of the teams and their deck choices (Deciding to play RoL Hope against Air because why would they bring Thunderstorms against an element with high HP creatures?)

There were a couple of other factors beyond our control, such as getting completely countered (SoW Glories vs Swallow) or plain RNG. But I don't think those were the central reasons why we lost.

Nonetheless, whatever happens happens. There isn't much point in reflecting on it too much. Good luck to the rest of the teams! (Except Aether, Air, and Time)
« Last Edit: February 06, 2019, 09:05:59 pm by InsignificantWeeaboo »
O-oooooooooo AAAAE-A-A-I-A-U-JO-oooooooooooo AAE-O-A-A-U-U-A-E-eee-ee-eee AAAAE-A-E-I-E-A-JO-ooo-oo-oo-oo EEEEO-A-AAA-AAAA
Team :gravity Gen. (War #12)
Team :gravity Soldier (War #13)
Team :light Soldier (War #14)

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Re: War #12 - Voices of the Fallen (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2019, 07:39:33 pm »
To be honest, all of the "first war" generals have struggled.
I think the only exception I have seen to this is Mr_Muffin last war (and still unsure how that happened, incredible achievement).

Generaling is hard, and it is easy to underestimate war until you have played it. Once you start badly, after underestimating it, you immediately snowball.

What's more is that vaultbuilding is so vital in war, and it is so hard to do that properly without knowledge of the meta, and what decks other teams like to play against you. Sometimes amazing decks in league are actually bad decks in war because they are countered by things which counter your other decks too, so they become bad decks for you. The research needed before war even starts is high, so with no experience, you underestimate it and struggle.

I take my hat off to all of the new-to-war gens, you have performed a great service to the community by gen-ing. Don't be put off by this war. Learn from it. Come back as a soldier if you don't win trials and you'll have a great time. And don't beat yourselves up if you had criticism (i know i have given my fair share too). People easily forget how they were when they were new.

Hell, check out my first ever tournament:

« Last Edit: February 06, 2019, 07:42:17 pm by JonathanCrazyJ »
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Re: War #12 - Voices of the Fallen (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2019, 05:18:20 pm »
To be honest, all of the "first war" generals have struggled.
Yeah, they have. I remember my first war, when the first-war General made some questionable overbids, chose the vault without consulting the rest of the team, and then just disappeared halfway through. For a first-war general to give it a decent effort and treat his team fairly, it's a good enough job. Elements is a tough game to play well, War even moreso.

Hell, check out my first ever tournament:

Lmao god I can't stop laughing I love this
Somehow still around, somewhat

Offline JonathanCrazyJ

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Re: War #12 - Voices of the Fallen (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2019, 06:43:24 pm »
To be honest, all of the "first war" generals have struggled.
Yeah, they have. I remember my first war, when the first-war General made some questionable overbids, chose the vault without consulting the rest of the team, and then just disappeared halfway through. For a first-war general to give it a decent effort and treat his team fairly, it's a good enough job. Elements is a tough game to play well, War even moreso.

Hell, check out my first ever tournament:

Lmao god I can't stop laughing I love this

Root's lurking intensifies.
I reckon a comeback next trials / war is on the cards
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Re: War #12 - Voices of the Fallen (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2019, 07:15:47 pm »
What went right:

* I placed a solid vault
* Good predictions often

What went wrong:

* we lost ddevs before round 1
* I was often the only person active when I was finishing up decks before the deadline and so I had no one to sanity check me
* didn't win close matchups
* I fell asleep at the r4 deadline, the returned ddevans speedbuilt 4 decks in 30 mins i think
* from there onwards I began working myself to a lack of free time so i have no idea what happened really until yesterday evening
* where I found out no one had built decks for the r6 deadline
* and I speedbuilt 4 decks without even knowing what we could possibly face

sounds like not a plan
There are things worse than eating tuna directly from the tin

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Re: War #12 - Voices of the Fallen (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2019, 07:18:05 pm »
I miss sanity checking you RR :(

Reunited on Water next war?
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Re: War #12 - Voices of the Fallen (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2019, 11:30:35 pm »
I miss sanity checking you RR :(

Reunited on Water next war?
Can I get in on some of this homoromantic action?

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Re: War #12 - Voices of the Fallen (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2019, 02:57:38 am »
Water without me: 8-8
Water with me: 1-7

I'm inhumanly bad at War.

I want to apologize to my team again for not having the mental stability to be able stick with them. They deserved much better than me.
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Re: War #12 - Voices of the Fallen (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2019, 03:33:13 am »
Water without me: 8-8
Water with me: 1-7

I'm inhumanly bad at War.

I want to apologize to my team again for not having the mental stability to be able stick with them. They deserved much better than me.
but still you are a master who leads your team, which is very significant for me ;) team :darkness to me is the abomination
Brawl - 4 :fire Red Stars
The luck is much Greater, when there effort and patience.

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Re: War #12 - Voices of the Fallen (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2019, 04:21:18 am »
Late af but

Finals + Vacation on the weeks of deckbuilding was a great idea. I don't fault you guys but I feel like I shoulda've done more and even though I innately said in my app that I wouldn't do anything but to make up the numbers unfortunately fate dealt me a hand where the help would really been appreciated. Oh well.

No grudges held but I think I'll not do war again in the foreseeable future
L R L R STOP & DASH & UP & TALK B B A B S(tart)

