Things changed, and right now I have to be crystal clear.
I REQUEST for a Vaultbuilding time extension. First I tried to cope with the crazy deadline,
but now everything gone fubar and I'm on the brink of a nervous breakdown.
Today my winter shoe just broke (yes, a shoe can break), which meant I couldn't finish
buying things, and I absolutely don't know when will I able to do that, since that is
my only winter shoe (yes, fuck you, teachers, you were stupid enough to choose such
a profession, shut up and be glad that at least you have a home - so pls don't tell me
to buy another quickly). I'm trying to fix it with some glue, but the solution is temporary
and drying needs 24 hours, which is already a huge setback.
I don't know about the life of other Generals, but before Christmas (and often
during Christmas, too) all hell breaks loose, and while I was able to fit in Generalship
into my life nicely, certainly the situation is different when it is Christmas, plus
your only shoe gets wrecked.
It is the Winter Solstice, the darkest day of the year. I ask the WMs to bring some light.