I personally like this draft, but agree with the engaging part. If you have a lot of expensive bids that could cripple your vault, I'd argue you're doing something wrong with the bids

Will elaborate every bid of mine and the underlying strategy once deadline is up, if people are interested. Even if that strategy ends up failing miserably. Only time will tell

There is a chance I'm an exception for having everything the team needs with just me, and considering the possibility of other experienced players as a nice bonus. If anything, I'm more sad about having to dissappoint many people that favorited Darkness because other teams might overbid, or best case, my team has insufficient room.
If anything would cripple the vault, it's forced maxbid for not getting enough players for some reason or other. Which ironically becomes more likely the more teams willingly wreck their own vault by paying more for auction than they should. The bid max is utterly unforgiving and insane, at most one player should go for that price. But I recommend staying far below it, for everyone's sake. Most of all for the player burdened with that price.