Just a reminder not to forget about the Round 5 EC for salvaging cards from your own deck if you used less upgrades than your role originally had before relics.
These are the following players/decks that can salvage from their own deck if they choose.

Manuel - 1 card

TheonlyrealBeef - 2 cards

iancudorinmarian - 1 card

Kalinuial - 3 cards

Wyand - 1 card

dawn to dusk - 2 cards

Player 4 - 1 card

Vindilos - 2 cards

kaempfer13 - 1 card

Vineroz - 1 card
Please remember that you can only salvage a total of 6 (or 7 if you won 3-0) cards for that match this round. The cards salvaged from your own deck are part of that total salvage value.
Please remember to post in your section's Event Card topic if you will be salvaging from your own deck, and to try and minimize the Warning errors on the gdocs you can enter your salvage from own deck into the bonuses spot (Cell D18).