its a bit odd that the second cell now does nothing, kind of confusing for the teams that have already put lt before the update
Second cell where?
I need some assistance from someone with gdoc knowledge. (Zawa again maybe?)
I noticed that tinkerer is reporting illegal decks for not enough in-element upgrades. Looking at the decks the upgrades are on the pends which count as in-element, thus also count as in-element ups. Not sure if this could be related to the chess groups upgrade or something else.
Thanks for any advice so I can fix this properly for all teams.
The code is there for adding in these as in-element upps, but someone wiped it from the code (who could it be?? hmm???). You can add it back in if you replace preparation with:
=IF(LEN($D35)>0,IF(C35="Yes","-",IF(OR(I35+IF(DB!M40=DB!M$34,10%,0)<50%,H35>B$45,G35-INDEX(GO11:HA11,1,TeamIndex+1)-IF(DB!M40=DB!M$32,sum(HC2:HN2)-INDEX(HC2:HN2,1,TeamIndex),0) >G35-4,AND(DB!M40=DB!M$32,NOT(RIGHT(D35,3)=INDEX(GO$1:HA$1,1,TeamIndex+1)))),1,0)),"")
The new term is the "-IF(DB!M40=DB!M$32,sum(HC2:HN2)-INDEX(HC2:HN2,1,TeamIndex),0)", which removes the off-element pends from off-element upps if tinkerer.
Someone mentioned that the transmutations is currently showing incorrect dust amounts, we are looking into the coding for that.
This is a bit long-winded, but it's simple enough to fix.
The transmute dust costs are listed in the sheet DB, but they are pulled from a sheet titled TransmuteCosts in the vault. This sheet in turn pulls from a sheet (Copy of Cards Algo) which contains a copy of the final market prices. You also have to define a named range "Costs", which should be 'Market Prices (by Category)'!B1:D200 (needed as sheet names with spaces tends to mess up the code). The just change the sheet link like this in A1 of TransmuteCosts:
Also someone mentioned that vault discards vs deck discards is not splitting properly based on the extra 1 or 2 discards for a 0-3 and 1-3 loss. We are also looking into this.
There are columns in the Preparation sheet, one for total discards and one for vault discards. Editing those as needed should work out here.
Also, don't forget to update the Preparation-template (and the other hidden sheets) as they will replace the main sheet when round updates. And I turned on notifications for this thread, so maybe faster updates in the future? If I can be less busy, I guess.