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Re: War #11 - Suggestions and Feedback (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #96 on: September 19, 2018, 09:14:55 am »
I'm not even sure I'll participate this year, but one thing that I'd love to see discussed is the penalty for losing close matches. IMO, it would be cool if losing 0-3 didn't have the same result in discard (and/or perhaps salvage for the winning team) as a 2-3 result. I realize this would make things more complicated (especially for the poor warmasters), but I think it would improve the event (even though it would lengthen it).

I've suggested this in the past actually.
• I agree.
•Also listen to my previous ideas with the auction.
•And Generals should be allowed to use 1/3 of the cards in the auction. Previous years rules are just so silly.
•Also 10% in element discount for market seems fair.
• Removing the cap on in element stuff in market for creatures. It's annoying to run out of them and mostly damage the weak teams. Opens up for more strategy
« Last Edit: September 19, 2018, 09:17:51 am by Blacksmith »
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Re: War #11 - Suggestions and Feedback (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #97 on: September 20, 2018, 08:18:02 am »
If there's an in-element discount, it should have no effect on shards, or even the reverse effect (off element shards are cheaper).
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Re: War #11 - Suggestions and Feedback (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #98 on: September 20, 2018, 08:54:56 am »
If there's an in-element discount, it should have no effect on SoFr, SoP, Fractal, Graboid, Vampire Dagger, etc, or even the reverse effect (off element OP cards are cheaper).

Improved suggestion. It's 2018, don't lump all the shards together please.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2018, 09:02:32 am by ddevans96 »
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Re: War #11 - Suggestions and Feedback (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #99 on: September 20, 2018, 09:10:56 am »
Shards are cards.
Sog is worse than sanc, should it be punished?
Sor is a cool card but hardly op.
Sod id argue is actually necessary in the meta to combat ohkos and improve light
Sow again, just a cool buff card, no better than adrenaline, probs worse.
Sobra is about as good as precog in pvp
Sosac is only op in pve, and is actually quite fun if used right in pvp
Sose is just fun, why restrict it?
Soi kinda works as a new archetype for war, but who cares?
Void is a good stallbreaker but has loads of counters, worse than fire bolt
Sofo is great pc and balances dims and wings which everyone used to hate
Sop is strong, but was costed well last war which restricted its use, we brought 8, a few other teams brought some, didnt dominate the meta and makes water a playable element in a war setting

The only broken shard is freedom. Dont just lazily lump shards together, they are just cards, and we have precious fewcards in this game.

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Re: War #11 - Suggestions and Feedback (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #100 on: September 20, 2018, 09:49:08 am »
Water is more than playable without discounted SoPa. My suggestion isn't aimed at removing your beloved op shard, JCJ, or any shard for that matter. This isn't a "punishment", it's meant to make some decks more accessible to other elements. Imagine a meta where elements other than life will consider using SoG, where elements other than entropy can run fun SoSer decks too. Most importantly, it creates a situation where the price of SoFre can be high, without making it completely unusable for other war teams.

If there's an in-element discount, it should have no effect on SoFr, SoP, Fractal, Graboid, Vampire Dagger, etc, or even the reverse effect (off element OP cards are cheaper).

Improved suggestion. It's 2018, don't lump all the shards together please.
A valid point here, not all shards were created equal. But really, aether doesn't use fractal that much better than other teams like fire, life, light and darkness, graboid is already usable by everyone in a bow, and vamp dagger is seen in most dark domins already. These cards just need high market prices (as usual), off element discount for them doesn't fix anything.
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Re: War #11 - Suggestions and Feedback (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #101 on: September 20, 2018, 11:09:34 am »
But really, aether doesn't use fractal that much better than other teams like fire, life, light and darkness, graboid is already usable by everyone in a bow, and vamp dagger is seen in most dark domins already. These cards just need high market prices (as usual), off element discount for them doesn't fix anything.

There's an entire thread right now about how SoP is usable in every element, I've had discussions with previous WMs and generals about it being strong in most elements the way grabbows/dark domins/fractal duos are, and Darkness won a war because of it.

In other words, these cards share that property with SoP. The power gap exists, but not there. Incidentally, that does happen to be where SoFr currently separates itself, even from SoP.

Water is more than playable without discounted SoPa.

This is very true. SoP should be restricted in some way, and Water will be fine.

Some people want it banned, though, not simply restricted, which I don't understand. Consider that the best player to ever play this game only got 5th as general of pre-SoP Water - and got 2nd (and should have gotten 1st) with Light, which has always been low-mid tier at best and is currently the meme element now that Life won a war.

There's plenty of room to tune SoP down from last War, but other cards that have dominated the meta of War for 2-3 times as long should also be tuned down - Fractal/Graboid/VDag are the worst offenders, but there's also four cards in Firestall and a handful of other OP cards to consider.

Also - OP cards should not have reduced prices for off-element use, whether that be just SoFr/SoP (a weak choice) or a wider collection, including both SoFr/Fire Bolt that are much stronger in their elements and several others that are strong in the majority of elements. They're prevalent enough. I didn't realize that was your primary suggestion - I think the meta would be improved much more by having in-element discounts for weaker cards.

Here's iancu's post on the topic of balancing powerful cards from January, and my response.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2018, 11:16:45 am by ddevans96 »
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Re: War #11 - Suggestions and Feedback (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #102 on: September 20, 2018, 11:56:16 am »
Unrelated suggestion, combining some in this thread:

- Tinkerer - Off-element Pendulums and Quantum Pillars are now ignored when calculating in-element deckbuilding requirement.

Can be nerfed by restoring the own-element mark requirement if necessary.
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