Rules state that subs need to make an app, hain didn’t.

Also rogerluc has submitted an app.

These subs are available only for teams with inactive players, at least 3 weeks of unexplained absence. The generals which fit this bill were notified. The aim of WM is to ensure more people get to play in war and it creates the maximum engagement for the community. I made this ruling to fulfill that.
Why are they costed at cards, not points? Because we still rely on card costs for other stuffs like penalties, discards and salvage. The points undervalue weak cards because they are in weak vaults. I hope the results from this war can provide a definitive answer to the power of points everywhere, and maybe next war we could move to adopt market in everything or scrap it altogether. But for now, this policy stays.
This has also been open knowledge for over a week: There was also a thread asking generals about their thoughts on this; no responses there. If you aren't going to complain until it directly affects you, I'm afraid I can't put much weight on your judgement.