An Experimental MarketNote: These are not the market prices for War #11, nor the main baseline for them. main inspiration for this experiment was Serprex's vision of market as a 300 variable system to switch up the meta. I wanted to see if that can be applied to obtain a somewhat reasonable market which aims to balance everything, with a heavy hand. This will also serve to test how some prices might affect the final meta, and give a bound for how much subjective tweaking is needed compared to the objective algorithm.
Here I first decided a power tier for each card, in the 'Power Tier' tab. The expectation was 30 for worthless/vault fodder cards, 100 the cost of an average power level card from a proper vault and 170+ the really strong cards. This tries to judge each card's power individually, in the context of the elements where it usually appears in vaults. The actual experimental market takes these prices and tweaks them heavily, notably trying to buff weaker elements (Light, Life, to a lesser extent Death) and nerf the stronger ones (Air, Gravity, Darkness). There are also a few other tweaks such as decreasing the price of situational/counter cards and yes, setting Shard of Freedom to 500 (this hopes to address the meta issues SoFr might cause). Bold indicates cards where price has been tweaked.
Now the main thing about these prices is that they are an experiment. And to make the experiment successful, we need your help! If you want to help in the further development of war, you can build a vault following these market prices and pm it to
The Warmasters. None of the information such as who sent in vaults or their contents will be disclosed to anyone, so your secrets are safe with us. Build vaults with a maximum point total of
26,000 points. And since it might affect your vault strategy, note that we will start at the full 6 salvage, 20 discards from round 1 and transmutations will be done based on market price of the card being transmuted into (1:1 for cards costing 60 or less, 1:2 for cards costing 70-150, 1:3 for cards higher than that and 1:4 for SoFree).
If you have the time, please help us out with your take on a vault. Here's to an amazing war!
Thanks a lot to all of you for all the amazing feedback! While this is an experimental market, the suggestions you put forth will give us serious food for thought for actual market decisions, especially when designing the algorithm for the baseline. Here a few questions which you might answer to provide more general feedback!
1. What do you think about the levels of the prices? Do you think the numbers of 30 for minimum, 70/100/120 for the different levels of the average power cards for vaults, 170+ for OP cards are good? If not, any number distribution to suggest?
2. What do you think of the variance in these prices? Do you like that the prices are so spread out, or would you rather have them be more close to each other, or perhaps some other distribution like all the low cost cards close together but OP cards are significantly higher?
3. Do you think manually placing nerfs/buffs on elements on the basis of their war record (putting more emphasis on recent wars) a good idea?
4. Do you think these prices would properly address the balance issues for War, and make the event more fun and interesting?
Feel free to add in other thoughts as well. Thank you all!