This type of EC ,is not something you want in an extremely competitive event where people have put an insane amout of time and effort.Simply put ,it's not fair,and when people enter a competitive event and find out rules,ECs,gimmicks, rulings ,whatever that give advantage to one player or a team or whatever , or handicap another,they get pissed. To top it all of, players out of the competition ,players that fought and lost and fairly out of the event ,get to affect the players remaining in a reality-like way.
This is the type of event you would want to happen in a party game ,for shits and giggles where the whole point is to have fun ,backstab and laugh. Not when the goal is to win. In comparison,majofa's joke EC above ,is way more reasonable and logical than this.
Hopefully,like us,most dead teams won't have spent more than 2 minutes to decide team and deck,so impact will be minimal.Hopefully.