So there's a lot of talk about the market system being to handicap elements. That's actually the secondary goal originally, but the most publically popular. The primary goal was to create a 300 variable equation to tweak war meta with, allowing for arbitrary metas (ie not a grabbow meta). I rolled around the idea of originally having randomly generated market prices, but decided that some curation could generate a funner meta. Discounts have a nice effect that they'll encourage different teams to play different decks; preferably War meta doesn't fall into every team playing the same decks (grabbow, dark domin, sopa, lolhope, sanctstall, pugon/fractagon, dimsplashrush) but the salvage mechanic operates against that goal
While salvage is really important for War's predictive element, discard+revelation might be enough if salvage was instead a constant amount of

per win which could be spent in the market. Original conception of the market thought about this. There was potential to have market prices change over rounds where high demand would increase prices, but that'd kind of leak salvage information. Which might not be too bad if one can only tell "Many team that won a game two rounds ago salvaged these cards last round". Would cut off organic market adaption at some point when team counts drop too low for that information to become too specific. Truth is vault information of other teams is surprisingly detailed after a few rounds
Maybe next war someone can setup a giant poll voting on every card & then prices can be given a normal distribution 200 +/- based on their percentile rank of (upvotes*2-downvote)
tl;dr despite considering discounts, this post attempts to state no opinion on the current discussion
real tl;dr market prices are about more than balance