The current dates seem to be too soon not for me only. I would miss this War, Afdarent would miss most of Vault building and R1 also. Please reconsider.What delay are you considering?
What delay are you considering?
The main issue with that is that most of the people my age around here start uni shortly after that.What delay are you considering?
Auction start 15th of september. Before, there are still summer holidays and I won't be there at all.
Where did the WMs put the list of the Generals? (my suggestion is in Announcements)
In the meantime you can have a look at this unofficial General list. Master of light and fire still needs to be added.Where did the WMs put the list of the Generals? (my suggestion is in Announcements)
Usually there is a roster topic. I assume it will be the same this time, and WM's are probably waiting for fire gen to be confirmed.
Regarding the dates. I have no problems whatsoever with moving the date to the usual war start time. And I don't think lots of either people would have problems with that either!
Or at least extending the auction or vault building.In the meantime you can have a look at this unofficial General list. Master of light and fire still needs to be added.Where did the WMs put the list of the Generals? (my suggestion is in Announcements)
Usually there is a roster topic. I assume it will be the same this time, and WM's are probably waiting for fire gen to be confirmed.
I get your point. But like to add that war has become shorter. I my second and third war which lasted from august-february. Last war didn't even last to january and started the same month. So time wise it has already become shorter and more effective.Regarding the dates. I have no problems whatsoever with moving the date to the usual war start time. And I don't think lots of either people would have problems with that either!
Or at least extending the auction or vault building.In the meantime you can have a look at this unofficial General list. Master of light and fire still needs to be added.Where did the WMs put the list of the Generals? (my suggestion is in Announcements)
Usually there is a roster topic. I assume it will be the same this time, and WM's are probably waiting for fire gen to be confirmed.
Basically, this. I would add that extending the actual event start time without delaying the application period starting risks fringe applicants being more and more likely to desert or abandon their post/team early/mid-event. :(
Maybe I'm mistaken, but isn't there normally a "War is Coming" thread in Forum News and Announcements?I don't know. But soon enough it will be announced in the newsletter.
There may be some who are not aware that war apps are now open...
A 'War is Coming' topic would draw significantly more attention to war than a small section of the newsletter would.Better make sure it's big then. I can take care of that. But I agree that such topic would be good as well.
can someone pls make a tl;dr for those who don't live in chat?I, a longstanding Light fan, as well as Trials runnerup, was passed by as an option for Light General, and instead someone who has no prior association with Light was selected, in an IMO, less than classy fashion. As such, people believe I was done an injusticd/disrespected, and banned Light.
i don't understand why everyone banned light as element, so idk if u should ban light to or put it into my fav
explain things pls
I feel like the name of this thread is ironic nowSo much win. +rep.
I feel like the name of this thread is ironic now
I, a longstanding Light fan, as well as Trials runnerup, was passed by as an option for Light General, and instead someone who has no prior association with Light was selected, in an IMO, less than classy fashion. As such, people believe I was done an injusticd/disrespected, and banned Light.
Apparently my head is too far up my own ass to be able to see the :light, so I banned it ;)
Ps2:I, a longstanding Light fan, as well as Trials runnerup, was passed by as an option for Light General, and instead someone who has no prior association with Light was selected, in an IMO, less than classy fashion. As such, people believe I was done an injusticd/disrespected, and banned Light.
Isn't someone a bit full of himself ? Get over it. Maybe this gif could help.
poor light, have bad moments in war/trials lately, last place and now the sad thing happens...
I'm saying that this happens with light (especially light) that don't have a good moment,poor light, have bad moments in war/trials lately, last place and now the sad thing happens...
The sad thing is WMs changing the dates and nature of War as it had always been.
I'm pretty sure making it an autumn event as usual would not only have resulted in more Masters being able to participate, but also very probably in having more applicants as quite a few potential ones must be on vacation right now.
While it is ok to criticise any decision made by anyone, it shouldn't go too far. Everything in moderation, including moderation. A master has the right to choose any general he/she wants and i do believe both inthisroom and discord have good intentions. Good luck to Discord and team light.
Ps: Everyone banning light was unnecessary. I banned it too because Discord's options had become too narrow increasing the chances i would be picked. Unlike some previous wars, i have precise choice of teams this war.
Ps2:I, a longstanding Light fan, as well as Trials runnerup, was passed by as an option for Light General, and instead someone who has no prior association with Light was selected, in an IMO, less than classy fashion. As such, people believe I was done an injusticd/disrespected, and banned Light.
Isn't someone a bit full of himself ? Get over it. Maybe this gif could help.
poor light, have bad moments in war/trials lately, last place and now the sad thing happens...
The sad thing is WMs changing the dates and nature of War as it had always been.
I'm pretty sure making it an autumn event as usual would not only have resulted inmore Mastersme being able to participate, but also very probably in having more applicants as quite a few potential ones must be on vacation right now.
Is there any reason why war is starting earlier than usually?
From what I heard, inthisroom and Afdarenty both have a problem with the earlier time schedule.
Also, some soldiers would like to see the war starting later like DoubleCapitals and RavingRabbid.
Of course, war should start whenever WM's have enough (free)time for this event, but is it possible to postpone the event? Two or three weeks maybe?
I will be probably on holiday during vault building phase and just can show up from time to time. Just can speak for myself, maybe other ppl like the earlier beginning of war.
Probably a poll can help here ...
a poll can help here ...
The dispute is more about 'why' it was done.
The dispute is more about 'why' it was done.
It's been said in the thread like six times by now, what are you talking about.
Masters (already) have not that many possibilities to direct how their element shines in the community. Removing some of those would be bad, IMO.The dispute is more about 'why' it was done.
It's been said in the thread like six times by now, what are you talking about.
Sorry, let me rephrase that... the ISSUE is 'why/how' it was done.
The issue that was being discussed here... I never said I had any problem with it either way...Oh. My apology for supposing it, then. :V
Can we have war schedule posted somewhere? probably in announcements
[2016-09-25 14:42:01] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: [Entropy Upgrades] dark ripper 3-0 ARTHAN... from serprex. Save this for bedtime reading.
[2016-09-25 14:42:35] worldwideweb3: ‹@serprex› kae = kaemp?
[2016-09-25 14:43:10] serprex: ‹@worldwideweb3› kae = most wealthiest oetg player
[2016-09-25 14:44:01] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 63 - by skyironsword from fabian771. Is this the beginning of the end, or just the end of the beginning?
[2016-09-25 14:44:28] worldwideweb3: whats the etg name
[2016-09-25 14:45:36] serprex: Doesn't have an etg account
[2016-09-25 14:45:55] Fippe94: that's pretty amusing
[2016-09-25 14:46:01] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 63 - by skyironsword from skyironsword. It's not a mystery.
[2016-09-25 14:46:03] worldwideweb3: how did he call it then?
[2016-09-25 14:46:12] Fippe94: that the wealthiest oetg player doesn't have an etg account
[2016-09-25 14:46:24] Fippe94: ‹@worldwideweb3› it's serp's girlfriend
[2016-09-25 14:46:42] worldwideweb3: oh
[2016-09-25 14:46:44] Discord: ‹@ji412jo› jijooooooo
[2016-09-25 14:46:52] ji412jo: discooo
[2016-09-25 14:46:58] worldwideweb3: not fair! they got an extra player :sillyspin:
[2016-09-25 14:47:08] Discord: ‹@ji412jo› terr?
[2016-09-25 14:47:35] Fippe94: yeah serp is totally cheating
[2016-09-25 14:47:59] serprex: She even builds some of the decks
[2016-09-25 14:48:01] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 63 - by skyironsword from worldwideweb3. Wow, they're still around?
[2016-09-25 14:48:04] serprex: Like the air domin vs Water last round
[2016-09-25 14:48:12] Fippe94: cheating
[2016-09-25 14:48:28] Discord: ‹@Skotadi_Phobos› skoooooo
[2016-09-25 14:49:03] serprex: Need a WM in here to give Light a 200 card penalty, free us from this event
[2016-09-25 14:49:24] fabian771: ‹@serprex› The hell
[2016-09-25 14:49:26] Discord: ‹@serprex› wat
[2016-09-25 14:49:29] Discord: why
[2016-09-25 14:49:32] TheonlyrealBeef: Fire first! :silly:
[2016-09-25 14:49:43] worldwideweb3: ‹@Discord› you have a nice team....
[2016-09-25 14:49:47] serprex: ‹@Discord› because cheating
[2016-09-25 14:50:13] Discord: ‹@serprex› just because someone's giving us deck ideas?
[2016-09-25 14:50:15] Discord: o_O
[2016-09-25 14:51:25] iancudorinmarian: ‹@Discord› That is actually cheating.
[2016-09-25 14:51:27] TheonlyrealBeef: I remember that being a huge issue in some previous war: a member with access to all the stuff acting as an extra player.
[2016-09-25 14:51:58] Discord: ‹@serprex› what have we done
[2016-09-25 14:51:58] Fippe94: tbf, in the context of 'War' you could count kae as an extension of serprex
[2016-09-25 14:52:13] Fippe94: I mean, it's not like she's gonna help anyone else
[2016-09-25 14:52:20] Fippe94: ever
[2016-09-25 14:52:31] iancudorinmarian: ‹@mrpaper› Poke me when you come back.
[2016-09-25 14:52:46] worldwideweb3: lwl
[2016-09-25 14:52:48] worldwideweb3: lel
[2016-09-25 14:52:58] Fippe94: found a rule though: "A player caught telling team secrets to anyone outside their own team will face consequences decided on a case-by-case basis, possibly including being permanently banned from all Elements community PvP Events."
[2016-09-25 14:53:07] fabian771: Can somebopdy tell me how am I supposed to register in OEtG? I can't find the supposed "fields"
[2016-09-25 14:53:13] fabian771: somebody*
[2016-09-25 14:53:15] Fippe94: going strictly by the rules, serp is breaking this
[2016-09-25 14:53:20] worldwideweb3: ‹@Fippe94› but kae doesnt even have etg account :P
[2016-09-25 14:53:23] mrpaper: ‹@iancudorinmarian› im back
[2016-09-25 14:53:30] Fippe94: ‹@worldwideweb3› irrelevant
[2016-09-25 14:53:34] Fippe94: the rules state "anyone"
[2016-09-25 14:53:38] worldwideweb3: also, maybe he didnt tell team secrett...
[2016-09-25 14:53:47] iancudorinmarian: ‹@mrpaper› Ok, tell me what's your available times.
[2016-09-25 14:53:59] worldwideweb3: recommending a deck aint cheating
[2016-09-25 14:54:01] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: answers from ElementalDearWatson. Can you find Waldo?
[2016-09-25 14:54:09] Fippe94: is kae knows what decks light is playing, that is definintely a team secret
[2016-09-25 14:54:16] worldwideweb3: like, in casual chat, we ourselves say shouuld have played this against them
[2016-09-25 14:54:41] TheonlyrealBeef: If you can build a deck for a team, you know something about their vault, too.
[2016-09-25 14:54:56] Fippe94: (note: I don't *actually* think serp or Light should be punished for this)
[2016-09-25 14:55:04] Discord: ‹@Fippe94› ask serp
[2016-09-25 14:55:16] worldwideweb3: also, we dont have any proof that serp gave vault info, so yh
[2016-09-25 14:55:30] worldwideweb3: nothing to go on there, no evidence, so nothing anyone can do :P
[2016-09-25 14:55:37] Fippe94: pretty sure serp will confess if asked :P
[2016-09-25 14:55:43] Fippe94: ‹@serprex› ping
[2016-09-25 14:56:01] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 63 - by skyironsword from rob77dp. FIRST!
[2016-09-25 14:56:11] mrpaper: ‹@iancudorinmarian› from now and the next 8-9 hrs... And last minute tomorrow
[2016-09-25 14:56:11] Fippe94: ‹@fabian771› ust type desired username and password and click login
[2016-09-25 14:56:18] Fippe94: just*
[2016-09-25 14:56:30] Fippe94: ‹@fabian771› the user will be created if it does not exist
[2016-09-25 14:56:43] fabian771: ...
[2016-09-25 14:56:46] fabian771: Oh snap
[2016-09-25 14:56:56] iancudorinmarian: ‹@mrpaper› Okay, then I'll wait for like 5 hours, and if aaronk doesn't show up, I'll sub. Is that okay with you?
[2016-09-25 14:57:06] fabian771: I've got to reassemble my mind over what password I've put
[2016-09-25 14:59:01] mrpaper: ‹@iancudorinmarian› sure but he wont.. he is having à football party later today.. hé is supposed to be preparing it now.. since 2hrs alrdy
[2016-09-25 15:00:06] iancudorinmarian: ‹@mrpaper› nah, 5 PM GMT is in 1 hour.
[2016-09-25 15:00:27] worldwideweb3: ‹@iancudorinmarian› actually, no
[2016-09-25 15:00:29] worldwideweb3: in 2 ohurs
[2016-09-25 15:00:30] worldwideweb3: hours
[2016-09-25 15:00:34] TheonlyrealBeef: in 2 hours indeed
[2016-09-25 15:00:52] iancudorinmarian: Ah, right, still in daylight saving time.
[2016-09-25 15:01:30] Lunaris: Good morning chat
[2016-09-25 15:02:22] worldwideweb3: anyone wanna play leagues?
[2016-09-25 15:03:12] serprex: Kae was given vault info, how else could she build decks?
[2016-09-25 15:03:29] serprex: Still no vagman so dishes
[2016-09-25 15:03:36] worldwideweb3: -.- stop digging a hole for yourself
[2016-09-25 15:03:42] Discord: we're screwed
[2016-09-25 15:04:54] mrpaper: ‹@iancudorinmarian› oh. Well in 2 hrs i'll be around!
[2016-09-25 15:05:05] Fippe94: on the other hand
[2016-09-25 15:05:17] Fippe94: note that the rule also state: "consequences decided on a case-by-case basis"
[2016-09-25 15:05:24] Fippe94: so I think you're fine
[2016-09-25 15:06:10] Fippe94: I'm *pretty* sure that WMs don't mind that a RL friend takes a look and helps a little
[2016-09-25 15:06:18] Fippe94: as long as you don't stretch it to some extreme
[2016-09-25 15:06:20] TheonlyrealBeef: Yeah, like the difference between being eliminated retro-actively or just starting now :silly:
[2016-09-25 15:06:52] Fippe94: also important to note is of course that kae does not have a forum account, or even game account
[2016-09-25 15:08:00] iancudorinmarian: Ban serprex!
[2016-09-25 15:08:08] iancudorinmarian: :awesome:
[2016-09-25 15:08:41] Lunaris: I won't be around until later today
[2016-09-25 15:09:07] Lunaris: So wishing you all good luck in war matches and such
[2016-09-25 15:09:19] Lunaris: Byebye~
[2016-09-25 15:09:54] worldwideweb3: cya
[2016-09-25 15:10:14] worldwideweb3: i wanna see how many transmutations people did...
[2016-09-25 15:10:27] worldwideweb3: physs said he was waiting on math to tell him so he can update relics...
[2016-09-25 15:10:38] worldwideweb3: ‹@Afdarenty› how many transmutations did you guys do?
[2016-09-25 15:10:58] Afdarenty: One? Or two? Not many
[2016-09-25 15:11:08] worldwideweb3: ah ok
[2016-09-25 15:11:39] worldwideweb3: was kinda scared that you guys may go all out and do 12 transmutations :P
[2016-09-25 15:11:40] serprex: We did 1
[2016-09-25 15:11:57] Afdarenty: I like cards more than upgrades
[2016-09-25 15:11:58] serprex: Air likes upgrades, it'd make sense
[2016-09-25 15:12:45] Afdarenty: If we had anything useful to transmute to I'd go for it. You guys just don't beat us enough :P
[2016-09-25 15:13:33] dracomageat: ‹@iancudorinmarian› it's called british summer time over here
[2016-09-25 15:13:42] dracomageat: the initials are quite fitting
[2016-09-25 15:14:01] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: Elements Mafia 63 - by skyironsword from Solaris. This is my favorite!
[2016-09-25 15:15:10] Ryli: "Summer"time
[2016-09-25 15:15:45] ji412jo: anyone knows how the game analysis works on lichess?
[2016-09-25 15:17:29] Aves: ‹@Ryli› It's september 25, that's autumn
[2016-09-25 15:17:46] Aves: /me can't read.
[2016-09-25 15:20:41] dracomageat: ‹@Ryli› hey, it's kinda summer here
[2016-09-25 15:20:51] dracomageat: as summer as it ever was atleast
[2016-09-25 15:21:08] dracomageat: not that that stops stores selling christmas stuff
[2016-09-25 15:21:12] Basman-1453: Well, it's only _very early_ autumn for you northerners~
[2016-09-25 15:21:28] Solaris: someone explain me how somebody helping Light is anything but illegal
[2016-09-25 15:21:45] ji412jo: ‹@Solaris› it's light.
[2016-09-25 15:21:49] Basman-1453: ‹@dracomageat› lel. To think that I ran into shops selling Christmas trees despite it was still November or so (keep in mind that my locality had a Muslim majority)
[2016-09-25 15:21:57] worldwideweb3: just shut up sol and go away, looking to give everyone penalties :/
[2016-09-25 15:22:01] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: Code Crash - by fabian771 from Ryli. I'd walk a mile for this post.
[2016-09-25 15:22:10] Solaris: ‹@worldwideweb3› no, this is actually bullshit
[2016-09-25 15:22:28] worldwideweb3: im sure we all have said at some point "they should have played that"
[2016-09-25 15:22:39] worldwideweb3: thats also "cheating"
[2016-09-25 15:22:45] dracomageat: ‹@Basman-1453› my city isn't all that muslim but my immediate vacinity is all muslims and students apart from my family
[2016-09-25 15:23:01] Solaris: yes, but they have a 6th person doing it actively during deckbuilding phase
[2016-09-25 15:23:08] Basman-1453: ‹@dracomageat› Wow, that's pretty surprising :O
[2016-09-25 15:23:17] worldwideweb3: it doesnt change anything
[2016-09-25 15:23:34] worldwideweb3: if you say "you should have played that", its also helping
[2016-09-25 15:23:48] dracomageat: it's a strange area in that regard
[2016-09-25 15:24:00] Solaris: ‹@worldwideweb3› if you say it de facto, nobody cares
[2016-09-25 15:24:23] worldwideweb3: and if someone who doesnt even play etg says it, it matters all that much?
[2016-09-25 15:24:36] dracomageat: ‹@Solaris› go hire some deckbuilding help of your own
[2016-09-25 15:24:56] ji412jo: ‹@worldwideweb3› if we say ''they should have played that'' it's not knowing whether they actually can, since we do not know their vaults
[2016-09-25 15:24:56] Solaris: but it's the fact that someone that isnt Team Light or a WM has access to Team Light's vault
[2016-09-25 15:25:02] ji412jo: having a 6th player is actually knowing secrets.
[2016-09-25 15:25:21] worldwideweb3: idk if they have access or not
[2016-09-25 15:25:42] Solaris: ‹@worldwideweb3› how could they build decks if they didnt have access
[2016-09-25 15:25:53] ji412jo: but well i do not want to enter this argument.
[2016-09-25 15:25:56] worldwideweb3: ‹@Solaris› not build, but recommend
[2016-09-25 15:26:12] worldwideweb3: just like we recommend without knowing their vaults
[2016-09-25 15:26:23] Solaris: ‹@worldwideweb3› [11:03:12] ‹serprex› Kae was given vault info, how else could she build decks?
[2016-09-25 15:26:55] Discord: doesn't mean she has access\
[2016-09-25 15:26:59] worldwideweb3: maybe serp was just joking about~
[2016-09-25 15:27:11] worldwideweb3: also given vault info is different to access, yes
[2016-09-25 15:27:11] iancudorinmarian: Light is getting pretty rekt anyway. Also, considering it's actually a RL friend, there's not much one can do.
[2016-09-25 15:27:21] worldwideweb3: i could say team air has 15 damsels at least
[2016-09-25 15:27:35] Discord: ‹@worldwideweb3› or more :P
[2016-09-25 15:27:44] worldwideweb3: proabbly 24 :P
[2016-09-25 15:27:45] Solaris: ‹@worldwideweb3› thats not given vault info, thats literally just an estimate
[2016-09-25 15:27:52] worldwideweb3: seeing as they didnt lose that much
[2016-09-25 15:28:08] worldwideweb3: ‹@Solaris› vault access =/= vault info
[2016-09-25 15:28:09] Discord: ‹@Solaris› it's air, they obvs have damsels
[2016-09-25 15:28:10] Basman-1453: Guesstimate, at best. Not actually supported by data :P
[2016-09-25 15:28:16] worldwideweb3: so its fine either way
[2016-09-25 15:29:03] Solaris: ‹@worldwideweb3› vault info is literally just as good as access, since it's all the totals from the vault
[2016-09-25 15:29:11] worldwideweb3: do we just wanna find ways to give people penalty?
[2016-09-25 15:29:38] worldwideweb3: ‹@Solaris› you cant prove kae had access, so rip
[2016-09-25 15:29:50] Ryli: ‹@Solaris› Raise the issue with the warmasters, they'll make the decision.
[2016-09-25 15:30:16] Discord: or say, "we have this card" then said person knows that we have that card and can build accordingly, yes?
[2016-09-25 15:30:34] Solaris: ‹@Discord› that is vault info, which is private...
[2016-09-25 15:30:46] worldwideweb3: ‹@Solaris› you have vault info on us
[2016-09-25 15:30:51] worldwideweb3: you know we have bws in our vault
[2016-09-25 15:31:00] Discord: doesn't mean she has access
[2016-09-25 15:31:11] worldwideweb3: teams collect vault info as war goes on
[2016-09-25 15:31:15] worldwideweb3: info =/= access
[2016-09-25 15:31:39] serprex: Light's vault is probably more secure than most teams
[2016-09-25 15:31:52] Solaris: ‹@worldwideweb3› difference between witnessing a card being used and info being relayed
[2016-09-25 15:31:54] serprex: I restricted access to only members + wms + kae
[2016-09-25 15:32:03] serprex: Whereas with other teams anyone with the link has access
[2016-09-25 15:32:04] serprex: ie higs
[2016-09-25 15:32:35] Solaris: ‹@serprex› so you're saying that Kae has acess to vault, like Disc was trying to argue she didnt?
[2016-09-25 15:32:38] Fippe94: serp is just digging his own grave lol
[2016-09-25 15:33:02] Solaris: you guys are sketchy as shit and I'm pming wms lol
[2016-09-25 15:33:04] Fippe94: regardless, this is a RL frend with no forum or game account
[2016-09-25 15:33:05] worldwideweb3: ‹@Solaris› also means WMs knew about it and were fine with it
[2016-09-25 15:33:09] Fippe94: It's fine
[2016-09-25 15:33:20] worldwideweb3: also, your own team member is saying its fine
[2016-09-25 15:33:21] Solaris: ‹@Fippe94› how is it fine?
[2016-09-25 15:33:35] serprex: Also it's not just a RL friend
[2016-09-25 15:33:38] Fippe94: how it not fine
[2016-09-25 15:33:42] serprex: Kae lives with me, her computer is right beside me
[2016-09-25 15:33:45] iancudorinmarian: I told WMs to make my vault private, got no reply.
[2016-09-25 15:33:49] serprex: So I'm literally sitting with her building decks
[2016-09-25 15:33:51] iancudorinmarian: ;-;
[2016-09-25 15:33:57] serprex: ‹@iancudorinmarian› I didn't have to ask
[2016-09-25 15:34:03] Fippe94: how is it not fine*
[2016-09-25 15:34:09] worldwideweb3: ‹@Solaris› if your brother comes along while you were vaulting, you should get penalty?
[2016-09-25 15:34:17] iancudorinmarian: ‹@serprex› wat
[2016-09-25 15:34:19] worldwideweb3: ^just an example
[2016-09-25 15:34:22] Solaris: ‹@worldwideweb3› he also knows nil about the game
[2016-09-25 15:34:36] worldwideweb3: ‹@Solaris› kae doesnt play etg either
[2016-09-25 15:34:59] serprex: She was suggesting we play more pacify
[2016-09-25 15:35:01] Solaris: ‹@worldwideweb3› its self evident that Kae knows about the game, if she's building decks
[2016-09-25 15:35:40] Solaris: also, it was previously mentioned that she played oEtG.. game knowledge from there is easily transferrable to etg
[2016-09-25 15:35:52] Ryli: Don't allow people to play if they have a relative or partner who understands how card games work?
[2016-09-25 15:35:56] Discord: ‹@Solaris› [11:34:59] ‹serprex› She was suggesting we play more pacify
[2016-09-25 15:36:00] Discord: ^lol
[2016-09-25 15:36:01] Fippe94: ‹@iancudorinmarian› as far as I can tell, anyone can change edit restrictions on their own vault
[2016-09-25 15:37:17] iancudorinmarian: ‹@Fippe94› ...I didn't realize that before.
[2016-09-25 15:37:34] Fippe94: can't remove war masters from being able to edit though :P
[2016-09-25 15:37:55] Solaris: ‹@Fippe94› darn, we cant annex war then
[2016-09-25 15:39:00] Basman-1453:
[2016-09-25 15:43:00] Fippe94: ‹@Solaris› What if your brother did know about the game though
[2016-09-25 15:43:10] Fippe94: and gave you some suggestions
[2016-09-25 15:43:37] Solaris: ‹@Fippe94› I'd tell him to fuck off like I normally do
[2016-09-25 15:44:01] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: (Aether Upgraded) Vangelios 3 - 1 Sera (... from deuce22. Yeup.
[2016-09-25 15:44:07] Solaris: there's also a difference there though
[2016-09-25 15:44:31] Solaris: in Kae's case, its pretty apparent that her feedback and help was requested/condoned
[2016-09-25 15:45:08] Afdarenty: lol, I bet you are, deuce
[2016-09-25 15:45:12] Solaris: in my brother's hypothetical case, it's not, and i'd probably just call him a ninny and ignore his suggestion anyways
[2016-09-25 15:45:58] worldwideweb3: ‹@Solaris› light ignored kaes suggestion too
[2016-09-25 15:46:01] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: answers from ARTHANASIOS. I found Wally.
[2016-09-25 15:46:01] worldwideweb3: thats why they lost
[2016-09-25 15:46:13] ji412jo: War without nymphs?
[2016-09-25 15:46:16] Solaris: ‹@worldwideweb3› uhh no lol
[2016-09-25 15:46:20] ji412jo: I think the only element that gets heavily punished is air
[2016-09-25 15:46:33] Discord: ‹@Solaris› how would you know? You're not in team light.
[2016-09-25 15:46:33] worldwideweb3: ‹@Solaris› well, yes, if you read the entro match ^^
[2016-09-25 15:46:56] Solaris: ‹@Discord› maybe I am ;)
[2016-09-25 15:47:05] Discord: ‹@Solaris› No,
[2016-09-25 15:47:12] Discord: Shoo, pesky life thing
[2016-09-25 15:47:56] Solaris: ‹@worldwideweb3› > seems as if they went with her read on :life matchup
[2016-09-25 15:48:01] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: (Aether Upgraded) Vangelios 3 - 1 Sera (... from ARTHANASIOS. It's a good read.
[2016-09-25 15:48:28] worldwideweb3: oh thats why you are salty
[2016-09-25 15:48:39] Discord: lol just cos she called it doesn't mean she made the deck for it
[2016-09-25 15:48:42] worldwideweb3: just cause you lost to them, makes sense
[2016-09-25 15:48:57] Afdarenty: ‹@ji412jo› Air gets hit hardest. But also Earth, Death, Water, Light, Time
[2016-09-25 15:49:32] worldwideweb3: if in chat, someone says something like "entro gonna play bows next round like always)
[2016-09-25 15:49:38] worldwideweb3: and they are right
[2016-09-25 15:49:42] worldwideweb3: penalty for them?
[2016-09-25 15:49:47] Aves: ian played 3 grabbows in a row, so...
[2016-09-25 15:49:52] Aves: xD
[2016-09-25 15:50:04] worldwideweb3: yh, i always say entro gonna play grabbow~
[2016-09-25 15:50:05] Solaris: there's an obvious difference here and I'm fairly certain you know it
[2016-09-25 15:50:12] worldwideweb3: cal probably has a bow too
[2016-09-25 15:50:13] iancudorinmarian: You're not allowed to predict my grabbows.
[2016-09-25 15:50:24] iancudorinmarian: Penalty for :gravity
[2016-09-25 15:50:29] Basman-1453: That one's guesstimate at best.
[2016-09-25 15:50:31] worldwideweb3: there is no difference, you are making too much out of it
[2016-09-25 15:50:46] Aves: Is Time allowed to predict your grabbows? Precognition
[2016-09-25 15:50:47] worldwideweb3: ‹@Basman-1453› kae was guesstimating life's deck too...
[2016-09-25 15:51:12] Afdarenty: ‹@worldwideweb3› Where would you draw the line, then?
[2016-09-25 15:51:47] worldwideweb3: ‹@Afdarenty› if you find someone in RL to help you, thats fine idc much
[2016-09-25 15:52:09] worldwideweb3: so if you wanna ask your siblings, parents about match against gravity, go for it :P
[2016-09-25 15:52:14] Basman-1453: "entro gonna play bows next round like always) (sic) is just too vague to make out of anyway
[2016-09-25 15:52:18] worldwideweb3: and i would be overly pleased if you listen to them :D
[2016-09-25 15:52:59] Afdarenty: Rapid and chrispy are brothers. How'd you feel if chrispy didn't bother joining the auction but just helped whichever team Rapid ended up on?
[2016-09-25 15:53:04] Ryli: ‹@worldwideweb3› You say that, but I'm sure my roommate could come up with a fair deck if I explained the game to him. :P
[2016-09-25 15:53:11] Afdarenty: I don't really want to get involved here, just curious where you stand on all this
[2016-09-25 15:53:12] serprex: I didn't think Life would play Light/Life vs us because 'that'd be stupid'
[2016-09-25 15:53:14] serprex: But they did
[2016-09-25 15:53:49] serprex: Fire/Light as to have good chances vs Frogtal & Fire/Life
[2016-09-25 15:54:01] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: (Air Upgrades) trashduke 3 - 1 rob77dp (D... from ARTHANASIOS. Good to the last word.
[2016-09-25 15:54:03] worldwideweb3: ‹@Afdarenty› fine by me, tbh. its his choice, not as if we can prevent that anyways
[2016-09-25 15:54:17] mythologyrules: -falls in-
[2016-09-25 15:54:19] Fippe94: ‹@Afdarenty› I would not like that
[2016-09-25 15:54:27] Lunaris: Hey myth
[2016-09-25 15:54:37] Solaris: ‹@Afdarenty I'm sure we know my stance on that
[2016-09-25 15:54:47] Fippe94: but kae doesn't have a forum account, so it's not the same thing
[2016-09-25 15:55:01] Aves: I don't think it's something we can prevent, at the very least, so I'm not sure there would be a poitn.
[2016-09-25 15:55:03] Aves: point*
[2016-09-25 15:55:14] worldwideweb3: ^
[2016-09-25 15:55:32] Aves: The "don't share vault with anybody" is more for the team's security than for preventing outside aid
[2016-09-25 15:55:42] Solaris: ‹@Aves› not really a matter of prevention, but I do think matters should be taken because it's happening
[2016-09-25 15:55:47] mythologyrules: hello Luna
[2016-09-25 15:55:48] worldwideweb3: indeed what aves said
[2016-09-25 15:55:56] Solaris: ‹@Aves› regardless, its still in the rules, and its not being followed
[2016-09-25 15:55:58] worldwideweb3: ‹@Solaris› prove its happening.
[2016-09-25 15:56:01] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: I have played this game for a week and al... from Monox D. I-Fly. Really?
[2016-09-25 15:56:19] serprex: ‹@Solaris› prove it without relying on my honesty
[2016-09-25 15:56:27] worldwideweb3: ^
[2016-09-25 15:56:44] Solaris: fuckit, I'll go grab someone I know from IRL who plays EtG
[2016-09-25 15:56:48] Fippe94: lol
[2016-09-25 15:56:53] worldwideweb3: go ahead~
[2016-09-25 15:56:59] Solaris: since it's all SO ok
[2016-09-25 15:56:59] Fippe94: ‹@Solaris› does he have a forum account?
[2016-09-25 15:57:06] worldwideweb3: if they are as good as you, we have no problem :sillyspin:
[2016-09-25 15:57:10] Solaris: ‹@Fippe94› nope
[2016-09-25 15:57:13] Afdarenty: Why does having a forum account matter, exactly?
[2016-09-25 15:57:14] Aves: If my room mate plays elements, and I say to him, 'hey, life is so annoying with firestall' it doesn't really make a significant difference.
[2016-09-25 15:57:18] serprex: Life gonna become #1 team with this mystery 6th member
[2016-09-25 15:57:38] Fippe94: ‹@Afdarenty› mostly so that they cannot be in war or auction themselves
[2016-09-25 15:57:41] serprex: ‹@Afdarenty› because if they don't have a forum account they're not really a member of the community
[2016-09-25 15:58:01] AveragePotato: The latest forum post is Re: Hello! from ARTHANASIOS. Don't tell them I said that.
[2016-09-25 15:58:30] serprex: Fun fact: my account is actually kae's
[2016-09-25 15:58:33] serprex: Since we share her kong account
[2016-09-25 15:58:35] Aves: ‹@serprex› It would be different if you were, say, on a game design equivalent of stack overflow and asking for help there, but I think there is a clear difference in the cases
[2016-09-25 15:59:03] Afdarenty: Haha, this is a fun issue
[2016-09-25 15:59:40] worldwideweb3: ‹@Afdarenty› so, can i expect your family to make a deck for next round aganist us? :D
[2016-09-25 15:59:48] iancudorinmarian: There's two ways of handling this: 200 cards penalty for :light or ignore this and continue :sillyspin:
With an extra forum member, clearly, that would be wrong.
On the other hand, somebody pointing out "hey, don't play two supernovae in the same turn" or "entropy's used a lot of grabbows" or "nightmare counters fractal, you dummy," or "you forgot to make a mono" while looking over your shoulder isn't significant. I think it'd be hard to write a reasonable rule barring general common knowledge, especially with regards to regulating people who aren't even part of our community. Otherwise, I welcome the day when we say something along the lines of "thou must command thy Elements in secrete by yonder darke wood neath the silent embrace of blessed Lunaris upon the sixth bell."
Would you be comfortable that this, without a doubt, is 100% acceptable in the context of War, in your own team?
Would you permit it if you caught wind that this was occuring in your team?
Each team has a hidden subboard visible only to its members, Warmasters and non-participating Administrators. All discussions held here MUST be kept secret. A player caught telling team secrets to anyone outside their own team will face consequences decided on a case-by-case basis, possibly including being permanently banned from all Elements community PvP Events. Please don't publicly talk about anything that goes on in these boards.
I'm with no penalty for light. We should appreciate honesty rather than penalise it. WMs can't prove serp asked kae without serp saying.
The wording of the rule implies that it's more for the protection of the team than it is for preventing cheating. You could interpret it in a way that is absolutely fine with serp and kae. As Zawa states, if we treat kae and serp as a hydra, then on the forum they only count as one entity, hence one member of the team. Hence, it's not 'outside the team' in a way that significantly affects War. On that last sentence, another word that should be bolded is "publicly" -- clearly, serp isn't going to iancu saying "hey, here's what we're using against entropy this round." That sort of situation is what the rule is trying to prevent, much more so than the situation we're talking about now. Talking about the game in the privacy of your own home is about as private as it gets. Playing EtG shouldn't necessitate cutting off your family and irl friends.
No penalty needed.
I'm with no penalty for light. We should appreciate honesty rather than penalise it. WMs can't prove serp asked kae without serp saying.
Example: Honestly, I killed a person. I admit it. Thus, my years to jail will be reduced. However, will my punishment become zero?
Killing is a crime. Also, don't you see how much you are exaggerating....I agree it is a completely exaggerative example, but true nonetheless. Reduced punishment has a HUGE gap with no punishment at all. I am :light and I hate being penalized, but leaving us completely unscratched can only lead to more of the same "mistakes" in the future imho.
Let's get real. If team :aether was doing exactly the same thing, the whole community would've been in flames and you guys know itThis convo did get me thinking. For the sake of argument, let's say I was single again and started dating a member of Team Aether, or just moved in as a roommate with one of them. I'd make myself Warblind, and then it'd be okay for me to start helping Team Aether? I can outright promise you that round 3 would've looked better for them with me "on" the team.
Let's get real. If team :aether was doing exactly the same thing, the whole community would've been in flames and you guys know itThis convo did get me thinking. For the sake of argument, let's say I was single again and started dating a member of Team Aether, or just moved in as a roommate with one of them. I'd make myself Warblind, and then it'd be okay for me to start helping Team Aether? I can outright promise you that round 3 would've looked better for them with me "on" the team.
This is more or less the same argument as Zeru "joining" Team Entropy. Is it okay to have an outsider just because they're not part of the community? Someone who isn't formally on a team doesn't gain anything from that team winning either, forum member or not.
I don't want to stop serp from participating, but the rules were designed with this in mind. There's no ambiguity in this part:
"A player caught telling team secrets to anyone outside their own team will face consequences decided on a case-by-case basis, possibly including being permanently banned from all Elements community PvP Events."
All that said, I am not adamantly against a change of this rule. There is an argument for being allowed to share your hobby with your family and friends; we're all here to have fun after all. However, such a change would apply for future wars. Not the current one.
I don't question that Admins can delete accounts, merely if it's ever happened to community members, and not spambots. I've never heard of a situation where people have actually requested their accounts deleted instead of drifting off quietly (or with a rant and barbs towards rivals). In any case, my argument is still that a team consists of five forum account entities/members. Strictly. Two people sharing a forum account is fine as long as each of those people have only access to that one forum account. Is it stated in the rules that two people cannot share an account? I've only heard that one person cannot have more than one account, not the other way around.
I don't question that Admins can delete accounts, merely if it's ever happened to community members, and not spambots. I've never heard of a situation where people have actually requested their accounts deleted instead of drifting off quietly (or with a rant and barbs towards rivals). In any case, my argument is still that a team consists of five forum account entities/members. Strictly. Two people sharing a forum account is fine as long as each of those people have only access to that one forum account. Is it stated in the rules that two people cannot share an account? I've only heard that one person cannot have more than one account, not the other way around.
So, it is ok to have my whole family helping me with my vault organizing and deckbuilding at War with my ARTHANASIOS forum account. Yep, I am exaggerating, again...
Yes, people have requested deletion before.
The forum rules allow for forum account sharing, and there are no in-game rules for or against account sharing. That's why War has a rule against sharing information. Sharing an account is sharing information.
There's been a similar discussion for tournaments where people were cooperating during deckbuilding and even in-game decisions. It's been frowned upon and filed under the "honor code" that applies to all games in general, but there's no written rule against it. That's why organizers have the authority to act on a case-by-case basis and add new rules as needed. In other words, a TO could punish you for this kind of cheating even if it wasn't in writing, simply because it's obviously cheating. Perhaps adding this in writing to tournaments would help set a precedent.
The forum rules allow for forum account sharing, and there are no in-game rules for or against account sharing. That's why War has a rule against sharing information. Sharing an account is sharing information.
i would love to have your parents/siblings build decks against gravity... :D
I'm with no penalty for light. We should appreciate honesty rather than penalise it. WMs can't prove serp asked kae without serp saying.Honesty is a quality, but that is only an extenuating circumstance. It does not remove the fault (which is what is discussed right now, i believe).
The account entity "serprex" is the player. I think we're going into semantics at this point. You are advocating that the rules refer to people on an individual basis, whereas I am interpreting the rules to apply to account entities, which are usually but not always one person.Semantics are important for clearing out ambiguity.
Perhaps adding this in writing to tournaments would help set a precedent.It's effectively already there, with the no deck discussion rule, but I'd gladly bring up the possibility of a "no collaboration period" rule to math and Gin.
If Bob and Joe have an account "BobJoe42" and Bob curses excessively in chat, BobJoe42 is banned from chat even if Joe didn't do anything wrong. If BobJoe42 joins War, why should they not be considered BobJoe42, and be forced to create "Bob4" and "Joe2?"Yes and no. Two people can make two separate accounts on the same IP. This forces me to question them as to why they're sharing an IP since it means they might be one and the same person with two accounts. The most common reason is that they're using the same router on a typical school dorm configuration.
The singular applies to the entity.
Perhaps adding this in writing to tournaments would help set a precedent.It's effectively already there, with the no deck discussion rule, but I'd gladly bring up the possibility of a "no collaboration period" rule to math and Gin.
Certainly, accounts and people are not the same thing, as one account can have more than one person. Both the account and the person(s) behind the account are banned, and that is not wrong. I do challenge that Player and person are the same thing. It is not clear to me that player does not refer to the account entity rather than to the person(s) behind the account entity.If Bob and Joe have an account "BobJoe42" and Bob curses excessively in chat, BobJoe42 is banned from chat even if Joe didn't do anything wrong. If BobJoe42 joins War, why should they not be considered BobJoe42, and be forced to create "Bob4" and "Joe2?"Yes and no. Two people can make two separate accounts on the same IP. This forces me to question them as to why they're sharing an IP since it means they might be one and the same person with two accounts. The most common reason is that they're using the same router on a typical school dorm configuration.
The singular applies to the entity.
An account certainly contracts a ban, but so does the person. If they make a new account and they're found out, they're banned again for ban-evading. Player and person are the same thing, but account and person are not.
Certainly, accounts and people are not the same thing, as one account can have more than one person.And one person many accounts, just saying...
It is explicitly established that one person having many accounts is against the rules, and alts can and have been banned.Certainly, accounts and people are not the same thing, as one account can have more than one person.And one person many accounts, just saying...
5. PENALTIESBecause the bold part isn't clearly defined, it gives the WM's leeway. I would suggest the following edit:
Penalties are issued when a team somehow breaks the rules or disrupts War.
While the discussion surely helps, i believe the matter is more in WMs hand and should in future cases always stay there, because that's what allows for a maximum of flexibility.
This discussion basically shows me which people care about having fun and which people care about enforcing strict rules as much as possible. Why do any of you even care if Kae helps serprex? He can do whatever he wants and nobody can stop him. He could say "I was joking", and none of you could possibly prove that Kae even exists.
He was sincere about the whole situation, but apparently, sincerity has to be punished.
Individual events can have their individual rules. If Higs/anti/UTA/community feels this needs a community wide guideline, sure, but... Welp :V i'm of the feeling that this is one of the the things that *should* be left to the organizer(s) to decide.While the discussion surely helps, i believe the matter is more in WMs hand and should in future cases always stay there, because that's what allows for a maximum of flexibility.
Thing is, the issue involves more stuff than just war. So I think we need admin ruling on forum rules about sharing a forum account (accounting for cases like Higs stated about members with deleted accounts).
And if shared accounts are allowed (Which seems to be the truth by the current version of forum rules) how is serp's case anything beyond that?
I respectfully dissent (not that my opinion has any weight, granted) from your ruling.The rational opinion of all members carry weight, even if we do need someone to make the final call.
Though it can be the same thing, sharing a forum account isn't the same thing as sharing War information. Sharing a forum account is allowed, but the War rules do not allow for sharing information with people outside of your team. That said,While the discussion surely helps, i believe the matter is more in WMs hand and should in future cases always stay there, because that's what allows for a maximum of flexibility.
Thing is, the issue involves more stuff than just war. So I think we need admin ruling on forum rules about sharing a forum account (accounting for cases like Higs stated about members with deleted accounts).
And if shared accounts are allowed (Which seems to be the truth by the current version of forum rules) how is serp's case anything beyond that?
He was sincere about the whole situation, but apparently, sincerity has to be's up to the WM's if they wish to punish or not. According to the rules, they have a reason to, but it's their decision. Just like how it's their decision, along with the Admins', to consider a rule change. We're discussing the rules because there's no decision reached, not because we want to punish anyone.
This discussion basically shows me which people care about having fun and which people care about enforcing strict rules as much as possible. Why do any of you even care if Kae helps serprex? He can do whatever he wants and nobody can stop him. He could say "I was joking", and none of you could possibly prove that Kae even exists.Some people have fun by enforcing strict rules as much as possible. :P
He was sincere about the whole situation, but apparently, sincerity has to be punished.
If you're asking for my personal opinion, I would not punish serp or his team. I do wish to clarify the rules, however.
If person = player, then the rules are less clear, not more. Let's say there's 6 people in the tournament room, and at the last minute before the tourney must be rescheduled, Afdadonky enters the tournament room. Afdadonky is a shared account between two people, who we'll nickname Afda1 and Afda2. By equating persons to players, we now have 8 players in the tournament room, but only 7 accounts. Is the tournament rescheduled, or are there enough "players?" Are Afda1 and Afda2 separate players? If Aves is an account shared between a middle school class of 16, can Aves face Aves 8+4+2+1 times by themselves in the same tournament? Can Aves play Aves in a PvP League match? It makes less sense to me to have player equaling person than player equaling account. Again, the alternative is that you are explicitly banning all shared-accounts from PvP.I respectfully dissent (not that my opinion has any weight, granted) from your ruling.The rational opinion of all members carry weight, even if we do need someone to make the final call.
Since the rules were made with the definition of a player being a person, nothing is being changed. It was already the case. What I'm fixing is just the semantic ambiguity.
I think what higs wants to do is to establish a rule in which for each PVP-event only a single person is allowed to use an account (that has been registered as taking part in the event) to participate in that event (technically the same account may still be used by a completely different person for another event). Of course it's impossible to keep track of that. I'd like it best, if there was a fixed amount of brainpower each account can maximally use to create the fairest odds, but obviously enforcing such a rule is totally absurd.If person = player, then the rules are less clear, not more. Let's say there's 6 people in the tournament room, and at the last minute before the tourney must be rescheduled, Afdadonky enters the tournament room. Afdadonky is a shared account between two people, who we'll nickname Afda1 and Afda2. By equating persons to players, we now have 8 players in the tournament room, but only 7 accounts. Is the tournament rescheduled, or are there enough "players?" Are Afda1 and Afda2 separate players? If Aves is an account shared between a middle school class of 16, can Aves face Aves 8+4+2+1 times by themselves in the same tournament? Can Aves play Aves in a PvP League match? It makes less sense to me to have player equaling person than player equaling account. Again, the alternative is that you are explicitly banning all shared-accounts from PvP.I respectfully dissent (not that my opinion has any weight, granted) from your ruling.The rational opinion of all members carry weight, even if we do need someone to make the final call.
Since the rules were made with the definition of a player being a person, nothing is being changed. It was already the case. What I'm fixing is just the semantic ambiguity.
The main problem I see with such a rule is how it would be enforceable. As someone said, if serp had never told us we'd never know.They are ways to cheat already with little ability for rules to be enforceable against, so yeah :V
Though it would be nice to have it in place so that the honest players would know to follow it.
The current rules are only clarified by this definition. Allowing or disallowing account sharing is a different issue. Most PvP events naturally won't allow it as far as community members go. It appears the distinction between a community member and a non-member is an important one for several people, though I don't quite see the difference myself. That said, if the goal is to restrict competency allocation per account, it's as good a restriction as any.If person = player, then the rules are less clear, not more. Let's say there's 6 people in the tournament room, and at the last minute before the tourney must be rescheduled, Afdadonky enters the tournament room. Afdadonky is a shared account between two people, who we'll nickname Afda1 and Afda2. By equating persons to players, we now have 8 players in the tournament room, but only 7 accounts. Is the tournament rescheduled, or are there enough "players?" Are Afda1 and Afda2 separate players? If Aves is an account shared between a middle school class of 16, can Aves face Aves 8+4+2+1 times by themselves in the same tournament? Can Aves play Aves in a PvP League match? It makes less sense to me to have player equaling person than player equaling account. Again, the alternative is that you are explicitly banning all shared-accounts from PvP.I respectfully dissent (not that my opinion has any weight, granted) from your ruling.The rational opinion of all members carry weight, even if we do need someone to make the final call.
Since the rules were made with the definition of a player being a person, nothing is being changed. It was already the case. What I'm fixing is just the semantic ambiguity.
War #10 - Team Vault
Do not share this link with anybody outside your team.
Thank you for being patient with us as we discussed the ruling regarding Light's having a non-team light member aiding them.
Warmasters have decided a moderate penalty of 20 cards is appropriate here, as well as the removal of Kae's Gdoc access to Light's Vault.
After discussing both sides of action between Physsion and myself, we are ruling this as Light potentially had a sixth person aiding them in their decisions in some way shape or form.
Vault access was given to Kae, and this falls under the ruling within the vault post as being "anybody outside of the team".QuoteWar #10 - Team Vault
Do not share this link with anybody outside your team.
We understand that Kae may be a significant other to a member on team light, but the current rules are intended for singular persons to singular accounts not hydra accounts.
Hydra account possibilities may be considered for future wars by future WMs and admins, but for the current one they are not allowed.
These difficult decisions are tough to make, but are made with the best intentions of being concise with the current rules for the current war.
Why a team should get a penalty for getting help from someone who don't own a forum account?
Please, stop doing drama where no drama is. 20 Cards is too high. Without serpex nobody would know. Even his own teammates. I am totally against a penalty but at least a mitigation of punishment since serpex was honest.
Why a team should get a penalty for getting help from someone who don't own a forum account?
Please, stop doing drama where no drama is. 20 Cards is too high. Without serpex nobody would know. Even his own teammates. I am totally against a penalty but at least a mitigation of punishment since serpex was honest.
We are a small enough community now that we can handle almost EVERYTHING on a case-by-case basis. We can be an actual gaming COMMUNITY in this way.
We are a small enough community now that we can handle almost EVERYTHING on a case-by-case basis. We can be an actual gaming COMMUNITY in this way.
Physs and mathman are fair and trying their best to treat all teams the same. I really respect your work and your decisions.I don't think anyone is questioning WM's efforts and fairness if anything, they deserve praise for this! But players and WM's make mistake and WM's needs to make decisions on this kind of unpleasant stuff every war. The most simple and smooth way to go was just to say... no harm, no WM's care, no penalty go along and we will think of it next war... but i'm sure they thought of it pretty hard before deciding on punishing serprex/team light. Is the fact we feel the penalty is unfair going to make them change their mind? I don't know, but it sure add to the drama of war... which can be fun on the outside, but never much for the teams/players involved (I've been there many times!) and WM's.
WM's are doing a great job, even if they made two mistakes IMO (Aether mark in Fire's deck and this one).
I just fear that people lose interest in events like this. Our community won't get bigger on this way. Two examples are 10 men and inthisroom who didn't agree on staffs decisions and left.
Btw. I love the EC in round 5.
We are a small enough community now that we can handle almost EVERYTHING on a case-by-case basis. We can be an actual gaming COMMUNITY in this way.
I just fear that people lose interest in events like this. Our community won't get bigger on this way. Two examples are 10 men and inthisroom who didn't agree on staffs decisions and left.
Did the team know about this? If not, maybe a punishment just for serpex would be more fitting?
i still don't understand this drama based on a guy and his gf in a game where 70% of matches are rng/luck based, 6 elements have no chances to win war and the hardest thing is keep the motivation for playing every week
Did the team know about this? If not, maybe a punishment just for serpex would be more fitting?
The guy's already leaving the forums... what more do you want? Sheesh.
fwiw, it might help clear stuff.
[2016-09-27 13:25:52] Physsion: The penalty was NOT given because serprex lives with his girlfriend, and they decided to spend some time together working on something. This isn't something we can stop, but direct collaboration with explicit vault access is something mathman and I decided that we weren't okay with
#Nopenalty #bringbackserpI agree as well, but I'm afraid it's too late for that :(
Out of curiosity I've read back 5 or six pages just to get a rough picture what's this all about. So even today: War = drama?
This reminds me of a little story - it may or may not be relevant: Back at War#3 both me and my brother participated. We were drafted into different teams while living in the same house: even having our computers in the same room! As my work schedule was quite chaotic back then, sometimes he helped me out making deck compilations (no Vault tools then) and furthermore, as we were always familiar with each other's passwords, on one occasion he even posted them for my team - on my request, in our secret section(!) - when I couldn't make it in time before the deadline.
Apart from that there was always the opportunity for us to run through the other team's secret sections while the other was away to gain an upper hand, or we could just simply share it between each other. At the end of the day, it all came down to trust and having fun; but could any other than us tell?
It was a well known fact that we're family, and we also had the same IP going of course. Even after my team dropped out, we kept on discussing strategic decisions when he was preparing for their matchups. Nobody had any objections about any of this and never once we were accused of 'cheating' because of it, or even the thought of penalties for such was unheard of. And the game and the community was still thriving at that time.
So, in general, may I ask what's the point for all this?
Out of curiosity I've read back 5 or six pages just to get a rough picture what's this all about. So even today: War = drama?Drama. Even we from team :life had our dose of drama this war...
So, in general, may I ask what's the point for all this?
Out of curiosity I've read back 5 or six pages just to get a rough picture what's this all about. So even today: War = drama?
This reminds me of a little story - it may or may not be relevant: Back at War#3 both me and my brother participated. We were drafted into different teams while living in the same house: even having our computers in the same room! As my work schedule was quite chaotic back then, sometimes he helped me out making deck compilations (no Vault tools then) and furthermore, as we were always familiar with each other's passwords, on one occasion he even posted them for my team - on my request, in our secret section(!) - when I couldn't make it in time before the deadline.
Apart from that there was always the opportunity for us to run through the other team's secret sections while the other was away to gain an upper hand, or we could just simply share it between each other. At the end of the day, it all came down to trust and having fun; but could any other than us tell?
It was a well known fact that we're family, and we also had the same IP going of course. Even after my team dropped out, we kept on discussing strategic decisions when he was preparing for their matchups. Nobody had any objections about any of this and never once we were accused of 'cheating' because of it, or even the thought of penalties for such was unheard of. And the game and the community was still thriving at that time.
So, in general, may I ask what's the point for all this?
Out of curiosity I've read back 5 or six pages just to get a rough picture what's this all about. So even today: War = drama?
This reminds me of a little story - it may or may not be relevant: Back at War#3 both me and my brother participated. We were drafted into different teams while living in the same house: even having our computers in the same room! As my work schedule was quite chaotic back then, sometimes he helped me out making deck compilations (no Vault tools then) and furthermore, as we were always familiar with each other's passwords, on one occasion he even posted them for my team - on my request, in our secret section(!) - when I couldn't make it in time before the deadline.
Apart from that there was always the opportunity for us to run through the other team's secret sections while the other was away to gain an upper hand, or we could just simply share it between each other. At the end of the day, it all came down to trust and having fun; but could any other than us tell?
It was a well known fact that we're family, and we also had the same IP going of course. Even after my team dropped out, we kept on discussing strategic decisions when he was preparing for their matchups. Nobody had any objections about any of this and never once we were accused of 'cheating' because of it, or even the thought of penalties for such was unheard of. And the game and the community was still thriving at that time.
So, in general, may I ask what's the point for all this?
As far as I can tell, the difference in your case (and with the current chrispybacon84+RapidStar_ brothers, as well as other cases) is that you've all presented yourself as separate entities. Serp+Kae were trying to play as one unit. By the current standard player = person (rather than player= account), that is "sharing information" because the rules refer to individuals. Basically, if you and your brother had decided to join the forums on one account, you both would've been barred from PvP.
I've pmed math about it but wanted public opinion on it too. So, near start of war, aves asked me the order of S/D/T and asked if we were allowed to discard the salvage from the same round last war. Math confirmed with us two that this war we were not allowed to do this. Couple days before, while casually chatting, i found out that other teams had been discarding the salvage they got that round, which WMs failed to catch. Having heard of that, i was pretty annoyed that what we thought of as illegal, was actually legal in other teams' opinions, as WMs only told us of this rule, and failed to let other teams know of this at any occasion. Now, i asked them if we can, from now onwards, be allowed to do this, as other teams have been doing it throughout war without any consequence. Would like to have what other people think on this. Poor us and darkness...
I can confirm what www3 said. I have asked this earlier in war and got the same answer.
I would not agree however for a change in rules at this point in war. At best WMs should be a little more careful and penalize this if it happens (should be easier now with only 3 teams left).
Double full disclosureI don't think this would have mattered a lot until late in war. And I don't see any reason for such a rule.
Hey maybe this is why we managed to get such a good vault all the time till the last round.
I mean separating phases is so 2010
I asked the team about this, but got outvoted 3-1, so assumed I was just mistaken. :PI don't remember this. I guess I must have misunderstood.