Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => War => Events and Competitions => War Archive => Topic started by: mathman101 on July 22, 2016, 05:44:25 am

Title: War #10 - Announcements
Post by: mathman101 on July 22, 2016, 05:44:25 am
War #10 - Announcements

Announcements will come as needed.
Title: Re: War #10 - Announcements
Post by: mathman101 on August 05, 2016, 01:10:05 am
This is a rough timeline of what we are aiming for with each of our deadlines and major portions of War.

July 24War Applications Begin
~August 7Application Time Closes / Blind Bidding Begins
~August 8Open Bidding Begins
~August 11Open Bidding Ends / Overtime Begins
~August 17Overtime Ends / Vault Building Begins
~August 29/30Vault Building Ends / Round 1 Begins
Rounds each 1 week long.......(maybe the odd extension if needed due to holidays)
~November ??War Ends

This timetable is based off everything going smoothly as planned (enough Apps at start of Auction time, and assuming 6 days for overtime). if these are not met, we may delay Round 1 start by up to 1 week, but no more than a week. We would like to start Deckbuilding Phases on a Monday or Tuesday, so that the majority of the Dueling Phase will be on the weekend.
Title: Re: War #10 - Announcements
Post by: mathman101 on August 08, 2016, 12:07:21 am
Blind Bidding has begun!

Generals please send your bids to Both Warmasters.
Title: Re: War #10 - Announcements
Post by: mathman101 on August 09, 2016, 12:07:58 am

Open Auction has begun!

Overtime has Begun!
Title: Re: War #10 - Announcements
Post by: Physsion on August 15, 2016, 01:09:14 pm
I've made a significant rule change regarding the deck/vault discards.

There was some concern regarding the large number of discards coming directly from the vault, combined with a handful of extremely cheap cards in the market. To prevent teams from exploiting this and buying very large numbers of 10-cost cards to completely mitigate their vault discard penalties, I've changed the deck/vault discard model, and raised the minimum price of cards in the market to 30 points.

The previous discard model for losses:
RoundFrom DeckFrom VaultTotal Discards

This has been changed to:
RoundFrom DeckFrom VaultTotal Discards

I'm sorry for posting this so close to the beginning of War, but I really feel like this would have had a negative impact on the event if left unchanged. This is something I should have noticed quite some time ago, but thankfully it was brought to my attention today.

Thanks for your patience, everyone. Good luck and have fun!
Title: Re: War #10 - Announcements
Post by: mathman101 on August 16, 2016, 12:34:11 am

Vault Building Begins!

You have All Vaults are Final, no more changes! to build your Vault.

Please be patient while we distribute the individual Vault tools to each team and grant access to all the team members.
Title: Re: War #10 - Announcements
Post by: Physsion on August 16, 2016, 05:43:37 am
Vault building tools have now been posted in each team's secret section.

Please post any problems or concerns in this thread. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/war/war-10-vault-tool-problems-62701/msg1241447/#msg1241447)
Title: Re: War #10 - Announcements
Post by: Physsion on August 16, 2016, 05:59:40 am
Team points for vault building are as follows.

 :death - 29,490
 :life - 28,800
 :earth - 28,630
 :fire - 28,390
 :water - 28,321
 :light - 28,300
 :time - 28,140
 :gravity - 28,000
 :darkness - 27,920
 :air - 27,810
 :aether - 27,765
 :entropy - 27,710
Title: Re: War #10 - Announcements
Post by: Physsion on August 23, 2016, 11:00:43 am
Sadly, Avenger has had to withdraw from War.

As the event has not started yet, Team Earth will be refunded 90% of the points spent on him in the auction, and will be allowed to bid on one new player at minimum price as a replacement.

If anyone has any issues with this decision, please raise them in the feedback thread here: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/war/war-10-suggestions-and-feedback/
Title: Re: War #10 - Announcements
Post by: Physsion on August 26, 2016, 09:04:51 am
Ryli has taken the place of Avenger on team Earth. Points have been refunded for team Earth's vaultbuilding.
Title: Re: War #10 - Announcements
Post by: Physsion on August 30, 2016, 01:07:16 am
Round 1 begins!

Vault tools have been distributed to each team (found in secret sections.) Please report any problems to me immediately.

The Standings board is now live. You can see it here. (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/war/war-10-standings-62844/)
Title: Re: War #10 - Announcements
Post by: Physsion on August 30, 2016, 02:07:03 am
Preparation tabs in each team's vault tool are not currently working properly - upgrades calculators aren't functioning as they should. I'll try to have this fixed within the next few hours so it doesn't get in the way of deckbuilding.
Title: Re: War #10 - Announcements
Post by: mathman101 on December 02, 2016, 07:04:56 pm
Council has hired a Temporary WM to aide in finishing the current War smoothly and on time, due to RL conflicts and time availability of the current WMs.

Thank you to Jenkar for stepping up and helping the current WMs finish what they could not.
Title: Re: War #10 - Announcements
Post by: Jenkar on December 12, 2016, 08:13:24 pm
Congratulations to AIR for emerging as the victors of War #10
Title: Re: War #10 - Announcements
Post by: Zawadx on April 14, 2017, 05:04:25 am
All the team section threads have been moved to their respective archives. Enjoy!
blarg: Avenger,Ryli,Jenkar